India and the Chinese military's negotiations on the tension of the border disputed area were in an impasse, showing signs of fragile peace.

According to Bloomberg, senior Indian security officials said that border events have reached the highest level since 2015.The official who was unwilling to be named due to regulations said that the two parties held talks on Tuesday (19th), but both sides were unwilling to compromise.

The two locations of the two countries are currently in a high degree of alertness.There are 3,488 kilometers of unreasonable borders between India and China.Officials said that the two sides had sent troops to the border.They failed to confront the Lotan River and the disputed Ban Gong.

The Lawan River was one of the early triggers of the China -India War in 1962, while the class was a Glacier Lake, which was 14,000 feet (4267.2 meters) of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau at an altitude of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau. The two countries claimed sovereignty over some lakes.

At the time of the ride between the two countries, the United States issued a tough statement to China.Acting Assistant Secretary of State in South Asia and Central Asian affairs in the United States

In Washington, senior diplomat Alice Wells said on May 20 that the conflict reminds us that China's aggression is not always oral ... Whether it is the South China Sea or the China -India border, we continue to continueSeeing China's provocations and disturbing behaviors have triggered a question of how China uses its growing strength.

The Office of the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman's office stated in a statement on Friday that the border between India and China has never been formally determined, and territorial disputes occur from time to time.

The statement states that China has always complied with the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries and the agreement signed by both parties to defend sovereignty and maintain peace and stability in the border areas.question.

Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman Anurag Srivastava said on Thursday that the Indian army's statement on the actual control line or Sikkim region is inaccurate. All activities in India are exactly the actual control line on the actual control lineThe Indian side, in fact,, has recently adopted action to hinder the normal patrol of India.