A fishing boat in China was hijacked by pirates in western western Africa on the 15th and was later rescued.

A spokesman for the Nigerian Navy confirmed to Xinhua News Agency yesterday (18th) that pirates attacked and hijacked the Chinese fishing vessels in the waters near Cottida on the 15th, and then controlled the fishing vessels to the Nigerian waters.

The Navy's navy intercepted the hijacking fishing vessels in the waters of 140 nautical miles south of Lagos, rescued crew and captured 10 pirates.The fishing boat has 18 crew members, from China, Ghana and Cotti.

The Consulate General of the Chinese Consulate General in West Africa also confirmed today (19th) that the Nigerian Navy has rescued a Chinese fishing vessel hijacked by pirates in the Gulf of Guinea. Eight of the rescued crew members are Chinese citizens.

Guan Zhongqi, the deputy consul of the Consulate General in Lagos, said that the fishing vessel had arrived at Lagos yesterday under the escort of the Nigerian Navy, and 18 crew members were well.