
New Yiye

For more than a week, the United States has reversed the engine that did not approve the selling engines used in China for C919. Many Chinese netizens who are concerned about the future development of this large -scale domestic passenger aircraft suddenly relaxed after suddenly tightening.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States first quoted sources on the 16th of this month that the U.S. government has recently discussed whether to prohibit General Electric's joint venture from delivering engines that are used to China to develop C919 passenger aircraft.Some people in the U.S. government are worried that China may imitate the engine on the engine and enters the global commercial aviation engine market by this to damage the US business and security benefits.

In this regard, GM expressed opposition, thinking that the difficulty of reverse imitation is far beyond the imagination of some officials in the United States.The company also said that China has been using the engine for many years, but it can start imitation work a few years ago, so it is not necessary to wait until now.

Two days later, US President Trump also pushed a lot to oppose his government's actions, saying that national security should not be an excuse for restricting foreign companies to buy American products.This move is unexpected.

Trump wrote: The United States cannot, nor will it be a place where foreign countries are difficult to buy. Lsquo; national security RSquo; excuses will cause American companies to be forced to leave in order to maintain competitiveness.We want to sell products to China and other countries.This is trade.We don't want them to do business with us, it will only let orders run to other places.

He went on to declare that I want to buy our jet engine in China. It is the best hellip; hellip; I want people to make business easy to do business with the United States, rather than increasing difficulty.At the end of these tweets, Trump also wrote in an uppercase English letter: The United States is open to business!

Trump has publicly opposed its government's brewing engines to ban the sale of China, exposing internal contradictions.One faction obviously believes that selling engines to China and even key technology output will harm the interests of the United States and decoupn with China; the other faction believes that decourse will bring risks to the US's economy and development. Thereforecooperate.

And Trump, who advertised the United States priority, said that it was a businessman. At present, it is obviously standing on the latter.He should not know that the heart of the ban on the sale of the engine in China will inevitably drag the development of the C919, and at the same time, it will seriously crack down on the civil aircraft industry that has just started China.

However, Trump also obviously knows that this measure that might upgrade trade protectionism and re -ignites Sino -US trade war will seriously impact the business of a large American manufacturer in the United States and even many other related companies, and mayBreak the rice bowl of many American workers.Moreover, China C919 has received more than a thousand orders so far. If Trump destroys this large business, it will not lose, and it will not help his support and re -election of voters in the presidential election that approached every day.

At present, for this US head of the United States, the short -term interests in front of them are undoubtedly more important than long -term political interests. His size is rang around how to improve the economy and people's livelihood.

Taking sanctions as an example, although Trump strictly restricted American companies and this Chinese telecommunications giant for business exchanges on the grounds of national security last year.To reduce interference with American companies.

At a more macro trade level, Trump signed the first stage of trade agreement with China, and re -signed a free trade agreement with Mexico and Canada, to a certain extent driven the positive emotions of the domestic business community.At the same time, the US economic growth is stabilizing, and the unemployment rate has also decreased. These achievements have added points to Trump himself.

In this context, Trump shouted to stop his government's measures for the ban on the sale of China, which was not surprising.

For China, although this engine storm is temporarily coming to an end, the alarm clock it sounded again is still echoing in the air, so how to reduce the discussion of foreign dependence continues.This is not a good thing for China's overcome engine problems and promoting the development of the overall civil aviation.