(Morning News) Iranian President Laish made a speech on Monday (January 3) in Tehran, demanding severe punishment for the murderer who participated in the assassination of Slymani, a senior general of Iran.

Xinhua News Agency reported that commemorative activities were held around Iran that day to mourn Sulemanni, who was killed by the US military two years ago.

According to the Iranian presidential website, Laich said at a commemorative conference held in Tehran that the former US President Trump, former Secretary of State Pompeo and others must be judged fairly to allow themThis shameful act was punished.Otherwise, the United States "don't doubt that Iran will retaliate."

According to the official website of the Iranian Supreme Leader's Office, Iran's highest leader Hamenei met with Suleimani's relatives on January 1.He said that in the past two years after the death of Sulemanni, the United States had fled Afghanistan, and the "trend of resistance and opposition to arrogance" in the region grew more than two years ago.

On January 3, 2020, the U.S. military launched an air strike outside the Iraqi Baghdad International Airport and killed the "Holy City Brigade" commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards, Surmani and others.Iran said that the United States' assassination of Sulemanni violated international law and was a "national terrorism" behavior.