A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines on Friday (March 10) criticized US Deputy Secretary of State to discredit Sino -Philippines economic and trade cooperation, saying that the United States uses military cooperation to promote economic development and drag the Philippines into the endless abyss of geopolitical fighting.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Embassy's official website, when Vice Secretary of State Newland visited the Philippines recently, under the framework of strengthening the defense cooperation agreement, the Philippines for the four new open military bases in the United States will helpTo solve regional security concerns, it will bring a lot of economic opportunities and employment opportunities to the Philippines. At the same time, it is questioned that China ’s promise to the Philippines to bring to the Philippines to the Philippines will make the above statements when the Chinese embassy spokesperson responds.

The spokesman pointed out that the development of economic and trade cooperation is inseparable from the regional environment of peace and stability.Some people in the United States have ignored the urgent willingness of the Philippine people to seek peace, cooperation, and promoting development, and see the fruitful results of helping China to help the Philippines develop the economy, improve people's livelihood, and increase employment.And talk about Sino -Philippine economic and trade cooperation.

A spokesman bluntly stated that the United States used military cooperation to promote economic development is tantamount to drinking quenching thirst, which will seriously endanger the regional peace and stability, and drag the Philippines into the endless abyss of geopolitical fighting.I believe that people of the Philippines will see the true face of the United States out of their own self -interest and zero -sum thinking, and provoking the haze of the Cold War in the region.History will eventually prove that who is a reliable partner who has a hope and help with the Philippines, and who is a rush of rush to the right and wrong.

The spokesman said that China and the Philippines are similar, popular, and complementary advantages. They are natural partners.In recent years, the two sides have continued to deepen the "Belt and Road" initiative with the Philippine "Daqian Special Construction" and "Good Construction Multi -Construction" planning, carry out the Philippines -Divolos Bridge, David -Samal Bridge and ChikouNearly 40 intergovernmental cooperation projects such as river pumping station irrigation projects have brought real benefits to the people of the two countries.China is the largest trading partner, the largest source of imports, and the largest export market in the Philippines. It is the third largest source of foreign capital in the Philippines in recent years.

The spokesman also said that early this year, the Philippine President Marco visited China to achieve fruitful results, and the two parties signed 14 intergovernmental cooperation agreements, involving the "Belt and Road", agricultural and fishery, finance, customs, e -commerce, and e -commerce., Travel and other fields.According to the Philippine statistics, during this visit, the industrial and commercial community of the two countries reached about $ 25 billion (S $ 33.9 billion) investment and trade intention.Opportunities for direct and indirect work.Recently, several Chinese economic and trade troupes visited the Philippines to reach extensive agreement and intention to expand the trade and investment cooperation between the two countries, and demonstrated the huge potential and broad prospects of China -Philippine pragmatic cooperation.