On Wednesday (March 8th) local time on the United Nations Security Council, a meeting was held on Afghanistan.Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the United Nations, said in his speech that the United States and other relevant countries should immediately return the assets of the Afghan Central Bank to the Afghan people.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Metropolitan United Nations official website, Geng Shuang pointed out that unilateral sanctions have severely damaged the economic foundation of Afghanistan and worsening the local humanitarian situation.Lift it.

Geng Shuang said that Afghanistan's overseas assets of $ 7 billion (S $ 9.4 billion) belong to the people of Afghanistan and should be used in the Afghan people.Last month, the Court of Federal District, the Southern District of New York, ruled that the United States had no right to misappropriate Afghanistan's overseas assets.This once again shows that the practice of frozen Afghanistan assets is inconsistent, and there is no evidence in the law.Relevant countries such as the United States should immediately return the assets of the Afghan Central Bank to the Afghan people, so that women and children in Afghanistan will benefit from it, and they should not delay in disguise for various reasons.

Geng Shuang pointed out in his speech that the United Nations Secretary -General reported that the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is still deteriorating. Numerous women and children can't eat food, wear warm clothes, and even survival have become problems.This year, 28.3 million Afghanians need humanity assistance, accounting for two -thirds of the country's population.Recently, it is reported that developed donations are considering reducing international assistance to Afghanistan, which is worrying.Under the current situation, developed donations should maintain humanity assistance, explore more direct and effective assistance methods, and ensure that resources are really used on the people of Afghanistan, especially women and girls.

Geng Shuang appealed to protect the rights and interests of women in Afghanistan, referring to the disadvantaged group in Afghan society, the biggest victim of the war and turbulence in years, and urgently needed to help the international community.

He said that Afghan women are eager to have a peaceful and peaceful land, and have a future with hope.They should be organically integrated into the economic and social life of Afghanistan and become important forces and main beneficiaries in the process of national peace reconstruction.Their rights and interests should be effectively guaranteed in this process.