Chen Xuemei, an academician of the National Academy of Sciences and a special professor of the University of California Riverside, has returned to China with a full time as the dean of the School of Life Sciences of Peking University.

Previously, the famous structural biologist and the foreign academician of the National Academy of Sciences Yan Ning, in November last yearIt was announced on the 1st that he will resign from Princeton University and return to China to assist in creating the Shenzhen Academy of Medical Sciences.

According to Ji Mu News on Wednesday (March 8), Chen Xuemei is very optimistic about the development of Chinese life sciences.good.NotIt is believed that Chinese life science has developed rapidly in recent years, and the number of scientific research papers has been increasing, and the quality is getting better and better. The status of Chinese scientists in the world has also improved.NotChen Xuemei was a little worried about the scale of some laboratories in China. "I was surprised when I came back to see a laboratory of thirty or forty people. I was worried about how to cultivate talents in such a large scale./Span>

She said: "The scale of the laboratory in the United States is generally not very large, and the mentor is directly instructed by postdoctoral and doctoral students. I feel very big in my laboratory, and the energy of a person is limited." /Span>

Public information shows that Chen XueMei was born in Harbin. He graduated from the Department of Biology at Peking University in 1988 and obtained a bachelor's degree. In 1995, he graduated from the University of Cornell University of the United States and obtained a doctorate degree in biochemistry.In 2013, she was elected academician of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). This honor aims to recognize her research on Mic China's regulation mechanism and contribute to the exploration of life mystery.