The United States has expanded its actions against China and included a number of Chinese entities in the export control "entity list". The Ministry of Commerce of China criticized the United States on the grounds of "maintaining international order and national security, unilateralism and protectionism."The truth" urged the United States to stop being unreasonable against Chinese companies.

The Bayeng Government announced on Thursday (March 2) that it has implemented export restrictions on dozens of Chinese entities, including server manufacturer wave groups and subsidiaries of Huada genes of genetic research companies.The entity activities are contrary to the interests of national security or foreign policies in the United States, and mentioned that some companies provide support for the Russian army.

According to the news released by the website of the Ministry of Commerce on Friday (March 3) in the evening, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce said that China has noticed that the United States has recently generalized national security and abuse of export control.On the grounds of the army, the army, and Yiyi have sanned many Chinese entities twice.

The spokesman criticized the United States "on the grounds that the maintenance of international order and national security, the facts of unilateralism and protectionism", targeting enterprises and institutions including China, including China, and destroying other countries.Normal business exchanges are "typical economic bullying and market distortions", which seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, destroy the security and stability of the global supply chain industry chain, and China has resolutely opposed it.

The Ministry of Commerce urges the United States to correct the errors, stops unreasonable targeting Chinese enterprises, and emphasizes that China will take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises.