On February 23, local time, the UN General Assembly continued to hold an emergency special meeting on the situation in Ukraine.At the meeting on the day, the United University was in favor of 141 votes, 7 votes opposed, and the results of 32 votes abandoned passed the draft resolutions jointly submitted by 75 countries including Ukraine.The draft emphasizes the urgency of comprehensiveness, fairness, and lasting peace in Ukraine to seek the purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter.

China said at the meeting that the Ukraine crisis has been one year so far. The conflict has shown a long -term and expanding trend. Numerous people have suffered great suffering, and the spillover has intensified. China is deeply concerned about it.The Chinese side's position on the Ukrainian issue is consistent and clear. It always advocates that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of various countries should be respected. The purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter should be observed. The reasonable and safe concerns of all countries should be valued.The efforts of crisis should be supported.Under the current situation, China put forward four views:

First, the priority is to promote the ceasefire and stop war as soon as possible.There are no winners in conflict and war.For a moment of ruthless war, the pain of the public increased by one point.China once again called for conflict to maintain rationality, restraint impulses, and avoid further deterioration or even out of control of the crisis.Conflict parties should strictly abide by international humanitarian law, avoid attacking civilians and civilian facilities, protect conflict victims such as women and children, and respect the basic rights of prisoners of war.All parties should strictly abide by the nuclear safety conventions and resolutely avoid artificial nuclear accidents.Nuclear weapons cannot be used, and nuclear war cannot be played.All parties should jointly oppose the use of or threatened the use of nuclear weapons to prevent nuclear diffusion and avoid nuclear crisis.

Second, dialogue negotiations are the only way to resolve the Ukraine crisis.At the beginning of the crisis, Russia and Ukraine had held several rounds of negotiations to achieve important progress.Unfortunately, the peace talks were interrupted.The original committee deserves deep reflection.China supports Russia and Ukraine, restores direct dialogue as soon as possible, incorporates reasonable concern into the negotiations, puts feasible options on the table, and gives an opportunity to get out of crisis and rebuild peace as soon as possible.

Third, the international community must make joint efforts to persuade and talk.The Ukraine crisis has lasted for one year, and the cruel facts have fully proved that the transportation weapons will not bring peace. The oil -fire oil will only exacerbate the contradictions of all parties. Extending the conflict will only make ordinary people pay a greater price.China has called for the process of continuing to continue diplomatic negotiations. The international community should create conditions for this, rather than stirring the ignition and seeking private interest.China has urged relevant countries to stop abuse of unilateral sanctions and long -arm jurisdictions, and do some useful things to ease the situation.The international community should strengthen coordinated cooperation between energy, finance, food, and transportation to jointly strive to slow down the impact of crisis spillover.

Fourth, seek common safety and achieve lasting peace.Security is not a patent exclusive to some countries. The security of a country cannot be at the cost of harming the security of other countries. Strengthening or even expanding military groups will only damage regional security and be unable to bring peace.The ultimate solution of the Ukraine crisis is to abandon the Cold War thinking, and on the basis of attaching importance to and respecting the reasonable and safe concerns of various countries, properly solve the legitimate security demands of all parties, and promote the construction of a balanced, effective and sustainable European security structure.

China said that as a responsible country, China has always stood on the side of peace, standing on the side of the dialogue, and always insisted on persuasion and talk.China is about to release a position document on political resolution of the Ukraine crisis.China is willing to continue to play a constructive role in order to resolve the Ukrainian crisis and achieve peace as soon as possible.

Source CCTV News Client | Author Xu Tao

Edit Zeng Jiajia

Process Editor Yan Shengmiao