U.S. Secretary of State Broskere said with Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, said that the appearance of Chinese reconnaissance balloons in the United States is an unacceptable violation of the United States sovereignty and international law.), This irresponsible behavior must not occur again (Must never aging Occur).

According to a press release issued by the official website of the US State Department, the State Council spokesman Ned Price said that Brinken met with Wang Yi during Saturday (February 18) with Wang Yi on Saturday (February 18).

Brinken said that the United States will not tolerate any violations of its sovereignty.He said that China's high -altitude survey balloons have entered the airspace of more than 40 countries in the five continents, and this reconnaissance plan has been exposed around the world.

According to the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), Brinken and Wang Yi said in an interview after the meeting and said that Wang Yi did not apologize to the balloon in the United States.He didn't further disclose what Wang Yi said in the meeting.

Brinken was originally scheduled to visit China earlier this month.After the United States discovered Chinese balloons over the country, it announced that it was postponed.The U.S. military sent fighter jets to shoot down the balloon on February 4, and the incident was further intensified.

According to the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency on Sunday (February 19), Wang Yi requested in the United States to make informal contact with Blinden during the Munich Security Conference.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Wang Yi showed China's solemn position in the balloon incident, demanding that the United States changed its string more, facing up and solving the damage caused by the abuse of force to Sino -US relations.

In addition to talking about the balloon incident, according to the press release of the US State Department, Brinken also warned that if China provides material support or assisted them to escape sanctions to Russia during the Russian and Ukraine War, it will need to faceThe consequences.Blindken also reiterated that the "one China" policy in the United States has not changed for a long time, and emphasizes the importance of maintaining peace and stability of the sea.

Brosky also reiterated the position of the US President Biden, that is, the United States will compete with China, and will not adhere to its own values and interests.Do not seek a new cold war.Brinken emphasized the importance of maintaining diplomatic dialogue and open communication channels at any time.