The Ministry of Commerce of China announced on Thursday (February 16) that from now on, the two US military companies sold for Taiwan's military sales will be included in the unreliable entity list, and when they respond to questions on Friday (17th)China takes normal law enforcement behaviors in accordance with the law.

According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the Ministry of Commerce announced at this time announced sanctions on U.S. companies to ask questions about whether it is related to the unmanned airship incident.Lockheed Martin Corporation, Raytheon Missiles Defense, regardless of the strong opposition of China, repeatedly implemented military sales to Taiwan, seriously damaging China's national security and serious damage to China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Ministry of Commerce of China said that according to the relevant laws such as the National Security Law of Foreign Trade Law, the Lockheed Martin Martin, Thor Memorial and Defense Corporation, in accordance with the relevant laws such as the National Security Law of Foreign Trade.The list of unreliable entities and taking corresponding measures are normal law enforcement behaviors taken in accordance with the law.

For the first time the Chinese side uses a unreliable entity list, what is considered the sanctions of the two military sales companies in Taiwan, a spokesman for the Chinese MinistryNo external interference.A Chinese principle is recognized as the basic criteria of international relations and the general consensus of the international community.

A spokesman said that in recent years, Lockheed Martin, Thor missile and defense company have repeatedly sold offensive weapons such as missiles, fighters and other offensive weapons to TaiwanChina ’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity seriously violates the provisions of one China principle and the three joint communiqués of China and the United States, which seriously damages the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.China has investigated its illegal responsibility for the entity that seriously damages China's sovereignty, security, and development benefits.

As for whether the enlightenment of the unreliable entity list means that China's attitude of foreign investment has changed, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce of China said that the scope of application specified by the unreliable entity list is strictly limited, and for aimed at it, it is aimed at it.Extraordinary illegal foreign entities will not expand their scope at will, and there is no need to worry about the majority of foreign investment companies.

The spokesman said that the Chinese government has unswervingly promoting high -level opening to the outside world, firmly safeguarding the multilateral trading system, and firmly safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of various market entities.The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Central Economic Work Conference have clearly stated that it is necessary to attract and use foreign capital greater.Business environment.

The spokesman also said that the Chinese approach is in line with the rules of the WTO.China has always supported a multilateral trade system represented by the WTO, supports free trade, and promotes the healthy development of the world's economic trade.