China's official Thursday (February 16) calls on the US Congress to take a move to upgrade the situation on the balloon incident.

According to Xinhua News Agency, in a statement of the National People's Congress of the China National People's Congress, it criticized the US House of Representatives to condemn the Chinese balloon infringement of US sovereignty.

The committee emphasized that China is a responsible country, always strictly abide by international law, respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of various countries, and inadvertently violates the territory and airspace of any sovereign country.The mistakes of Chinese civilian unmanned airships into the United States are completely occasional and accidental incidents caused by force majeure, which pose any threat to American personnel and security.In accordance with a responsible attitude, China introduced the situation to the United States and the international community as soon as possible, asking the United States to properly handle the calm, professional, and restraint methods.

The committee criticized the United States to insist on moving martial arts, intentionally build momentum, and seriously violate the spirit of international law and international practice."Some politicians in the U.S. Congress also played on the topic and stirred up the fire, which fully exposed their sinister residence of anti -China to curb China."It is also the general expectations of the people of the two peoples and the general expectations of the international community. We strongly urge the US Congress to respect the facts, respect the basic criteria of the spirit of international law and international relations, and immediately stop the misunderstanding of the discipline of China. Do not take a move that causes the situation to upgrade. "

After the U.S. military shot down the Chinese balloon, the House of Representatives passed the bill last Thursday (9th) that the Chinese balloon publicly violated the sovereignty of the United States.