U.S. officials believe that the Chinese balloon that was shot down by the U.S. military originally wanted to fly over Guam and Hawaii, but deviated from the direction because of the wind direction.

According to Reuters, a U.S. officials who did not want to be named revealed the views of these officials on Wednesday (February 15).

The Washington Post reported on Tuesday (14th) that the United States had tracked when the balloon was liter in Hainan Island, China.The balloon seems to be going to Guam, but it may be deviated from the weather.

This balloon was shot down before the shore of South Carolina, USA, and appeared over the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, and then came to Canada and central United States.

The U.S. military announced on Monday (13th) that they salvaged key electronic equipment from Chinese balloons, including key sensors that may be used to collect information.