
Jingqiang Xinyun

Wang Yi, the highest diplomat in China, set off to Europe on Tuesday. This trip will visit France, Italy, Hungary and Russia, and will also attend the Munich Security Conference in Germany.

In addition to the Sino -Russian interaction when the Sino -European relations and the Russian and U -wars wars enter the first anniversary, another highlight of Wang Yi Europe is: after the balloon incident, whether Sino -US diplomacy will be realized in Munich.Face -to -face meeting.

A Chinese balloon floating to the United States has become the focus of China and the United States since February. It not only stirred Huang, the US Secretary of State Brillin visited China, but also caused a new round of diplomatic games between the two countries.

On February 4th, the United States sent fighters to shoot down this "reconnaissance balloon". In the next week, the US government, Congress, and the military continued to work around the balloon.

When the military salvaged the balloon that fell into the sea and started analysis, the party's House of Representatives with severe differences passed a resolution to condemn the Chinese balloon invasion of the United States on February 9, requiring the Bayeng government to take decisive measures to take decisive measuresPrevent foreign aircraft from trying to collect information over the United States.The U.S. Department of Commerce also took actions the next day to blacklists the six Chinese companies that produce six balloons and airship equipment.

For a while, it is no longer peaceful over North America.Since the monitoring of Chinese balloons, the US and Canadian military highly alert, and has shot down three other unknown flights last week.It is not clear about the sources and specific purposes of these objects.

The saliva war in China and the United States has not stopped, and even has a strongest trend.Beijing Monday (February 13) bombarded "the United States is the world's largest monitoring and reconnaissance country", and said that since last year, the United States' high -altitude balls flew over China more than 10 times without the approval of China.But the National Security Council spokesman Watson denied the claim for the first time.

The diplomatic dispute around the balloon is full of noise, how will it end?

Daniel Russel, former American Assistant Secretary of State, bluntly said that there was no strategic reason after the cancellation of visiting China in Broncolon.Former diplomats, who had been responsible for East Asia and Pacific affairs in the United States East Asia and Pacific in the former president Obama.

This is indeed the truth.Although the balloon invaded the United States, its actual impact really did not force other China -US issues.

Entering Alaska from the end of January of the balloon, the U.S. military monitored the balloon but did not take action immediately. At first, the Bayeng government did not want things to make trouble.But unfortunately, after the height of the balloon is reduced, it becomes the naked eye. The public opinion environment in the United States and the highly consistent political atmosphere of the two parties in China do not allow the Biden government to deal with balloon low -key.

Under a highly centralized political environment, although Chinese governors are more likely to control and balance all parties, they also face domestic public opinion pressure; the polarized political environment in the United States is even more than the governors who escape when dealing with Sino -US relations.But the fetters.On one side is the pressure of public opinion, and on the other hand, the noise and the media. After the balloon problem is exposed, the leadership of both China and the United States must show tough and continue to play the show.But even if both parties need to "act", if there is no time and clever grasp, this show is not easy to end.

If the balloon incident is continuously speculated, Sino -US relations fall into a vicious circle.Beijing's recent response is also tough, and you have no room for weakness.

As Russell said, there are more important things in Sino -US relations to deal with, such as Taiwan issues, economic and trade differences, and science and technology decouples.Expand cooperation.

Standing on the position of the two governments, Beijing and Washington are actually willing to maintain a situation of fighting.Although the US Department of National Defense rejected the call for the two -country defense minister's call request from the Pentagon, US officials revealed on February 12 that the two sides had communicated on the incident on February 12.This also shows that whether it is Washington or Beijing, they do not want bilateral relations to be completely stiff because the balloon is completely stiff. This is a favorable condition for the balloon incident.

Some optimists also believe that the Sino -US Sino -American incident on the table is opposite, but we must not forget that there is another force to prevent Sino -US relations from being completely broken.

In the U.S. Congress and public opinion strictly attacked the Bayeng government to the weakness of China, forcing Brinken to postpone the visit to China, the Wall Street Journal disclosed that some transnational company executives are planning to settle in China after three years of the epidemic.Among them, the president of the American company Apple, Cook, and Albert Bourla, Panpharine, are planning to visit China next month.

Although the influence of economic and trade as the cockpit of Sino -US relations has weakened after the trade war, Sino -US relations are indeed not only diplomatic and political games, but the two sides still have very close economic and trade exchanges.American companies, especially American companies that deeply cultivate the Chinese market, will not be willing to see the breakdown of Sino -US relations.Although these companies' political influences are not as public as Congress or US public opinion, they cannot be underestimated.

On the eve of Wang Yi settled to Europe, an American official released news that Brins are considering a face -to -face talks with Wang Yi by considering attending the Munich Security Conference in Germany.

China and the United States have not confirmed the news at present. If the highest diplomats on both sides can meet in Munich, they can achieve the purpose of communication to a certain extent.It can reduce the smell of gunpowder between the balloon incident and China and the United States.