The Pentagon of the United States said that it has communicated with Beijing on the led by the Chinese balloon in the United States.The balloon incident has caused Sino -US relations to deteriorate again.

According to Agence France -Presse, Melissa Dalton, assistant Minister of Defense Melton, said at a press conference on Monday (February 13) that the United States has contacted Beijing on high -air balloon issues.

The United States on February 4 in the coastal waters above the South Carolina shot down to China's high -air balloon, US Secretary of Defense Austin requested a proposal with the Chinese Defense Minister Wei Feng and the phone call.reject.

The Chinese Ministry of Defense last Thursday (February 9) said that the "serious mistakes" of American military attack on balloons did not carry out the atmosphere of dialogue and exchanges for the two armies. China does not accept the defense ministers of the two countries.Proposal of call.

The Chinese balloon drifted into the United States earlier this month and caused a diplomatic dispute between China and the United States.China insists that balloons are civilian airships, but they are only conducting meteorological research and opposing the United States to shoot it down.But the United States believes that this balloon is conducting spy activities and collecting sensitive information in the United States.