The Chinese official media and People's Daily issued a document to criticize the American political system, saying that American democracy has shown pathogenic and decline, and strong is just an illusion.

The People's Daily published a comment article on Sunday (February 12).

This article wrote that the United States has always claimed to be a democratic lighthouse for a long time.Even in the face of the intensified money politics, political polarization, social tearing, differentiation of the rich and poor, racial discrimination, gun violence, etc., "American politicians can also talk nonsense with their eyes, claiming that 'democratic countries have become stronger,Instead of weaker '. "

The article states that when American democracy has shown pathogenic and decline, American politicians are still dreaming of the dream of" the city of the mountain ".

This article criticizes the US democracy from several aspects, saying that "American democracy is a rich game based on capital, money is hard currency of American politics", "American democracy advertises power checks and balances, but it is increasingly increasingly increasingly increasingly increasingly.The vortex of the party's disputes "and" the chaos caused by American democratic disorder is continuously staged, allowing people to continue to decline in their confidence. "

The article says that American democracy is ill, and it is getting farther and farther from the high -quality governance that the people want.But to this day, the United States seems to have not showed its desire and ability to correct self -correction.In fact, it is increasingly proved that the United States has never been a superior student of democracy, let alone a model of democracy.

The article finally wrote that American politicians are addicted to self -deception, and to interfere with democratic politics, instrumentation, and weapons, and interfere with the domestic government everywhere.The affairs of the American people and the people of the world.