Fu Cong, the head of the Chinese EU regiment, said in a event on February 8th that the Dutch decision to join the U.S. ’s technical export control to the United States for the United States does not meet the interests of the Netherlands, does not meet the European countriesThe interests are not economically in line with the interests of the United States.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese EU website, Fu Cong attended the "60 -minute hair dryer" held by the European Think Tank EuropeThe question of deciding to join the United States' technical export control in China answered, first of all, China has not seen the content of the relevant agreement.He didn't understand why it was so mysterious.

Fu Cong continued, secondly, China believes that this is a typical case of political intervention technology and commodity trade.This does not conform to the interests of the Netherlands, does not conform to the interests of European countries. Frankly speaking, it is not economically in line with the interests of the United States, and many American companies are complaining.However, due to political and geopolitical considerations, the United States tries to exclude China from being decoupled from China or China to achieve its purpose of curbing China.He believes that the world should not allow this dangerous trend to continue to develop, otherwise it will lead to two "parallel systems".

Export control measures announced by the Bayeng government last October, including strictly restricting American manufacturers to provide the most advanced chip manufacturing equipment to Chinese customers, or buying from abroad to help improve their military and artificial intelligence capabilitiesSpeed chip.

A US Department of Commerce officials confirmed on the 1st of the month that the United States has reached an agreement with Japan and the Netherlands to restrict the manufacturing equipment for China's export of advanced chips.

Fu Cong also talked about the Taiwan issue during the event. He said that a Chinese principle is a red line from China.He must strongly reiterate this, because adhering to a China principle is the basis of China, including all other countries, including EU relations.But now some people seem to think that any country has the right to explain a Chinese principle.

He pointed out that the basic commitments of the European Community have been eroded. Some members visited Taiwan. Senior officials of EU agencies also visited Taiwan, and even some discussions on the signing of investment agreements with the European Union and Taiwan appeared.These directly violate the commitment made by the European Communist in 1975.If these commitments are violated, they will fundamentally change or shake the basis of bilateral relations.He wanted to ask EU partners to pay attention to the seriousness of this issue.

In response to the host, Taiwan is a member of the World Trade Organization. It participated in the World Health Conference as an observer.If Taiwan is a member of the World Trade Organization, of course, the European Union can sign a question about the investment agreement with Taiwan, and Fu Cong replied, "No, we will not accept the signing agreement with Taiwan."

Fu Cong said that Taiwan joined the WTO as a separate customs zone. It is not a country and cannot sign a treaty with him.This is not the same as the bilateral relations based on treaties or official agreements.Regarding the issue of Taiwan's participation in the World Health Organization, he explained that Taiwan has been invited to participate in the World Health Conference as an observer, which is based on a Chinese principle.Taiwan no longer has the right to participate in the WHO meeting as an observer, but also because Taiwan refuses to recognize a China principle.Therefore, Taiwan has lost its qualifications because WHO is only open to sovereign countries.

Fu Cong also said that in fact, China has not prevented Taiwan from developing economic and trade cooperation with the world.China's position is that Taiwan can (with other organizations or countries) to maintain economic and trade relations, as long as this does not hidden Taiwan to have national sovereignty.This is the most basic requirement because Taiwan is part of China.

When the host asked, Europe was concerned that China had a stronger stance on Taiwan.Is this concern reasonable?Fu Cong said that he didn't think China was tough.China has actually adopted the consistent position in the past few decades, but it is just expressed with a clearer wording.

Fu Cong also said that China does not deny a tough position, but every time China does this is a response to external provocation.The recent round of provocation is very obvious. Perlis, the former parliament of the United States, visited Taiwan.China actually asked the United States to stop visiting, but it was regarded as the Chinese side repeatedly.Fu Cong said, "Do you expect that Chinese side is trampled by other countries? Of course, we have to respond strongly. But remember that China never picks things up, we are in response to provocation. Therefore, China is not tough."

Fu Cong also answered questions about the "dual -cycle" strategy.He said the interpretation of this strategy was not accurate.Regarding the "dual cycle", China does emphasize the importance of the domestic market.However, China has such a huge market, and domestic consumption should become an important driving force for economic development, which is understandable.But this does not mean that China wants to close the door to other countries.

Fu Cong said that China's door will only open and bigger, and the 20th loud and clearly convey this sound of the Communist Party of China, which is the most authoritative policy declaration in China.Everyone can rest assured that China's door will not close, and the policy of opening to the outside world will continue.If there is a change, it is the door to China to be further open and open at a high level.China is now discussing the opening of the system, which means that foreign companies will participate in the formulation of standards and rules and regulations, and will participate in the Chinese economy in a more predictive and legal way.These are good news for foreign companies.Therefore, China's door does not have the risk of closing.