The Chinese Ambassador to France, Lu Shayan, said that American air boats have entered the Chinese airspace before, but China has dealt with low -key processing and has not speculated.It is China's property. "

According to the interview record released by the official website of the Chinese Embassy in France on Wednesday (February 8th), the French LCI TV station viewed on Monday (6th) Luga Ye, who was talking about China.When a human airship problem, the above expression is made.

In response to the words of the nature of China and the United States on both the nature of the aura, Lu Shaye said that it may be because the lack of mutual trust between China and the United States now. "Indeed, what happened in China and the United States has decreased in recent years.The mutual trust between the two countries. But the airship is indeed a meteorological airship, not a spy balloon. The United States exaggerate its words in this matter. "

Lu Shaye said that in the incident, the Chinese government immediately launched an investigation after receiving the US notification to verify that the airship was civilian nature and used for meteorological research.China expressed regrets to the United States by mistake in the United States due to pustnts.

He said, "I felt that the United States had accepted the Chinese explanation at first, because the Pentagon also stated that the airship would not threaten the ground military and personnel to the United States. They asked ChinaIt is puzzling that on the one hand, the United States urges China to let the airship leave, but on the other hand, it shot down the next day, and the airship is about to leave the United States at the time. "

I was askedIf the American airship is flying into the Chinese airspace and whether China will shot down, Lushaye said that this situation has actually happened several times, but each time China is low -key and there is no hype.

Lushaye said that after the airship incident, some reports and discussions on Chinese social media have occurred. It is said that the balloon in the United States or other countries has also taken place in China.In the case of balloon motivation is very suspicious, China has shot down.Of course, this is a saying in social media, and he has no conclusive evidence.

He said that what really shocked was not the American shot off the airship, but the United States expressed his understanding of the Chinese explanation and seemed to say that he would not shot down the airship, but eventually shot down.

For questions about the wreckage of the United States recycling the wreckage of airboats, Lu Shayan believes that the United States should return the fragments to China because they are Chinese property.Who should return it to the owner? "" If the United States is unwilling to return, it is their business. This shows that they are not honest. "

The US Secretary of State Brings was postponed due to the balloon incident, and Lushaye responded that until Brinken made the above statement, China never announced his plan to visit China.According to him, he delayed his visit to China due to the meteorological airship incident.But in his opinion, the so -called interview is not time -consuming, because the United States has recently carried out many anti -China activities, including military, technology, Taiwan and other aspects.

Lushayan continued that in terms of military, the United States has gathered in Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea to build a military encirclement against China and add military bases in the Philippines.The U.S. government has recently further upgraded the blockade sanctions on Chinese private technology companies.On the issue of Taiwan, the United States has strengthened the sales of Taiwan for military sales.The Speaker of the House of Representatives plans to visit Taiwan in April.These have violated China's core interests.

He accused, "the Chinese government has repeatedly submitted to the US government and parliament to ask them to stop such anti -China behaviors, but they are still obsessed."

Lu Shayan believes that even if Brintken has gone to China, it will not play a positive role.The task he visited should be the important consensus reached by the Chinese President Xi Jinping and the US President Biden at the Bali Summit of the Bali Island Summit in the G20, "but the United States broke these consensus before he visited.What is the significance of his visit? "