Although there are reports that Chinese reconnaissance balloons have also appeared over the Latin America, Venezuela decided to choose the border station in the increasingly warming balloon incident and publicly condemned the United States to fight the Chinese balloon in China.

According to the Bloomberg Society on Monday (February 6), the Venezuela Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that the United States once again "use force" to deal with equipment that does not represent any military or on -ground people's limb threats.

Latin America leaders remain silent about the airspace of Chinese balloon over their country. The United States said that this is the extension of the Chinese spy plan, and on Sunday (5th), the balloon floats to the shore of the country in South Carolina in the United States.A F-22 fighter fired a missile out of the time outside to shoot it down.

The Venezuela left -wing government led by Madro is tight relations with the US government, and has faced sanctions on economic and oil exports since 2019.China is the largest buyer of Venezuela's sanctions.

The statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela did not mention that the US Department of Defense reported last Friday (3rd) that a Chinese balloon was flying over Latin America, but it did not explain the specific location.

According to Reuters on Sunday, the day before the US fighter aircraft shot China's suspected spy balloon, the Colombian military confirmed to see a similar balloon in its airspace.

Colombia Air Force Saturday (4th) said in a brief statement that their air defense system detected a suspected balloon on the morning of Friday (3rd).The statement did not mention that the balloon originated from China or other countries.

According to the statement, the "object" at a height of 55,000 feet, from south to north from south to north at a height of 55,000 feet.Colombian Air Force continued to monitor this object with "balloon characteristics" until it left Colombian airspace.The statement said that they determined that "the balloon does not pose a threat to national security."

As of Sunday, no official statement confirmed that an unknown balloon flew over the Latin American airspace.