> Chinese giant panda "Lele" died at the age of 25.Not According to the US Memphis business call report, a statement issued by the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee, USA, said, /Span> One of the two giant pandas in the zoo.The giant panda, named "Lele", is 25 years old.Not According to reports, the cause of the death of "Lele" has not been determined, and the Memphis Zoo is under investigation.Not According to the China Network on January 3, according to the information of the China Zoo Association, the two giant panda "Yaya" and "Lele", which cooperated in the Memphis Zoo in the United States, have been carefully taken care of by the garden.However, because they have entered the old age and "Yaya" suffers from skin diseases, the China Zoo Association has actively negotiated with the United States to receive two giant pandas as soon as possible.Not Male panda "Lele" and female giant panda "Yaya" as part of the Sino -US joint protection and study of the Grand Panda Program.Ten years and after the expiration of 2013, it was extended for 10 years.Not It is understood that the life of wild pandas is unclear and will change regularly, or between 15 and 20 years.Under the care of human beings, pandas can live over 30 years old.