New mutant strains of crown diseases XBB.1.5 spread rapidly in the United States. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on the United States to spend time with the world hygiene in time with the world hygieneOrganize and share related epidemic information and virus data.Not Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin on Friday (January 13) at a routine press conference on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responding to the relevant questions from Chinese State Council spokespersons to request passengers from China before departure.Since the occurrence, China has always shared relevant information and data with the international community in accordance with the principles of law, timely, open, and transparent, and continued to share the gene sequence of Chinese crown disease infection with the World Health Organization and Global Influenza Sharing Database.Not Wang Wenbin said that the WHO and the global flu sharing database have recently believed that the virus gene data provided by China is consistent with the sequence of virus genes submitted by other countries, and no new variants have been found or significant mutations.Not He quoted the WHO Director of the European Office of the WHO, Croag, said that the current popular strains in China are poisonous strains that have been popular in Europe and elsewhere, which will not have a significant impact on the epidemic.Science, moderate, and non -discriminatory.Not For the new mutant strains that are popular in the United States and have stronger contagious and immune escape, Wang Wenbin calls on the United States to share related epidemic information and the international community in time in a timely, open, and transparent way in the United States and the international community.Virus data.Not According to data released by the US Centers for Disease Control, XBB.1.5 has caused more than 40.5%of infection cases in the United States, becoming the fastest strain in the United States.