Wang Jun, chief economist of Huatai Assets, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Ant's approved capital increase not only reflects the positioning of the central economic work conference on the platform economy, but also the attention of the private economy.It is also "very important" for the development of the entire Internet economy and platform economy.

The Ant Group's subsidiary of the founder of Alibaba Ma Yun, recently approved 10.5 billion yuan (RMB, Same as S $ 247 million) in Chongqing, which means that China officials have surpassed this fintech company to exceed this fintech companyThe two -year regulatory rectification may come to an end, which has led to the best start in history in China, which has been listed in the United States.Internet giant Tencent has also returned to the top ten most valuable companies in the world after half a year.

The scholars of the interviewed by the scholars evaluated that Ant's approval of capital increase is an iconic incident, indicating that the rectification and cleanup of the "storm and rain" of the Internet industry in the past few years should have gone to the end.Enterprise "Dajian's skills" will become the main tone of the policy.

According to the announcement issued on December 30 last year, the Chongqing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau approved the plan to increase the registered capital of the Ant Consumer Finance Department, which has increased significantly from 8 billion yuan to 18.5 billion yuan.

After the transaction is completed, the Ant Group, which contributed 5.25 billion yuan, will control half of the shares; a company under Hangzhou will hold 10 % of the shares to become the second largest shareholder.

The news of ants' capital increase was exposed on Wednesday (January 4), which further boosted the market's optimistic emotions of the market for China to end the zero -clearing policy and slow down the rectification of the Internet industry.Alibaba, holding ants, rose 7.7 % in Hong Kong's stock price that day, and the Hang Seng Technology Index increased to 3.3 %.Tencent's stock price rose nearly 4 %, Baidu soared 6 %.

Alibaba has led a 13 % increase in the largest single -day increase in more than half a year

China Stocks also set the best popularity in history on Wednesday in the United States. Alibaba led 13 % on the same day, the largest single -day increase since June last year.

The Nasdaqin China index that reflects the performance of Chinese stocks in the United States has risen by 8.6 %. In early 2023, the increase expanded to 13 %. It was the highest level since 2001.

Mainland China and Hong Kong's major stock indexes continued to rise on Thursday morning.Among them, the Hang Seng Index increased by nearly 3 %, towards the high level since July last year; the CSI 300 Index has risen to the largest one month.

GWK Investment Management Company's investment portfolio manager, Fernanders, believes that the news of ants is a "huge surprise" for most institutional investors, showing that the Chinese market has entered the "turning stage"."And will focus on the economy, and it is expected that many investors will correct the current low allocation of Chinese stocks.

Jack Ma publicly criticized the Chinese regulatory agency at the Shanghai Financial Summit in October 2020. One month later, the Shanghai Stock Exchange temporarily stopped the first public sale ($ 49.96 million) of Ant Group (49.96 million yuan)IPO).Relevant regulatory departments of the People's Bank of China have been instructed Ant Group to rectify.

Wang Jun, chief economist of Huatai Assets, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that officials have not been able to prevent the disorderly expansion of capital in the near future; the Central Economic Work Conference held in the middle of last month also emphasized that it is necessary to support platform companies to lead development and development, andThe creation of employment and international competition shows that the central government has very high expectations for the future development of platform enterprises.

He analyzed that Ant's capital increase not only specifically reflected the positioning of the Central Economic Work Conference on the platform economy and the emphasis on the private economy, and it was also "very important" for the development of the entire Internet economy and platform economy.

Wang Jun expects that ants will enter a new stage of development in the future. After rectification, the business development of normal business will also be on track. In the future, it may also progress to restart listing.

The Internet industry has traditionally been an important driving force for China's growth, but it has continued to face severe rectification since July of the previous year.Tencent and other companies were approved by the game last week, showing that the high -voltage rectification of the Internet industry in China is further relaxing.

Bloomberg's assembly data shows that Tencent's market value surpasses oil and gas producers Exxon Mobil on Wednesday, and has entered the top ten companies in the global market value again after half a year.

This year's implementation of stable monetary policy to promote the overall improvement of economic operation

On the other hand, the People's Bank of China held a 2023 work conference on Wednesday, saying that this year, it is necessary to accurately and effectively implement a stable monetary policy to promote the overall improvement of economic operation.

Wang Jun expects that the Chinese economy will undoubtedly rebound this year, and the growth range may be from 4.5 % to 5 %, but its strength will depend on the recovery process of domestic consumption and real estate and the degree of global economic recession.

He pointed out that after the national "two sessions" in March this year, they will also be changed. The new government may have some new ideas, fiscal, monetary policies, and arrangements for national debt and deficit.Economic recovery intensity.