The US Department of Commerce announced that 36 Chinese technology companies are included in export control "physical list" to limit them to continue to purchase specific technologies and production parts from US companies.Among them, 21 major Chinese artificial intelligence chip companies including China Storage Chip Manufacturing Factory Yangtze River Storage, as well as companies related to the development of supersonic and ballistic missile systems accused of Chinese military supersonic and ballistic missile systems.

The confrontation of the Sino -US chip field will be upgraded again. The American Biden government on Thursday (December 15) has included 21 Chinese artificial intelligence chip companies including Yangtze River Storage on Thursday (December 15).The legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and institutions.

The US Department of Commerce on Thursday (December 15) announced that 36 Chinese technology companies were included in the export control "physical list" to limit them to continue to purchase specific technologies and production parts from American companies.Among them, 21 major Chinese artificial intelligence chip companies including China Storage Chip Manufacturing Factory Yangtze River Storage, as well as companies related to the development of supersonic and ballistic missile systems accused of Chinese military supersonic and ballistic missile systems.

The company that is included in the entity list must obtain a special export permit from the US Department of Commerce in order to purchase technology or products from US suppliers.

The United States also announced on Thursday that 26 Chinese companies have deleted another "unattended list".According to Reuters, because the Beijing government made concessions and was willing to let the US official go to some companies to conduct field inspections.

The Assistant Minister of Commerce, Thea Rozman Kendler, said in a statement that the entity of the entity list will promote the plan of the Biden government to prevent China from obtaining advanced technology and "acting for military modernization and violation of human rights". "Essence

The Ministry of Commerce of China made "resolute opposition" to the United States on Friday, and criticized "this is a typical market distortion and economic bullying approach."

China urges the United States to "immediately stop the error approach" and states that necessary measures will be taken to resolutely safeguard the legal and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and institutions.

Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang meets the US Secretary Yellen

The Ministry of Commerce of China has announced this week that it will filed a lawsuit with the World Trade Organization, saying that the United States' restrictions on restrictions "threatened the stability of the global industrial supply chain."The WTO has confirmed on Thursday that China has officially sued the WTO restrictions on the export restrictions on the US chip exports to China.

At the same time as the chip field is tattooed, the Chinese ambassador to the United States met with the US Treasury Secretary Yellen on Thursday.

Since the Sino -US dollar meeting in November, Sino -US senior officials have continued to talk about dialogue. Officials from the two countries' economic and trade, military, and climate changes have held at least four face -to -face talks after a meeting meeting.

According to the press release issued by the Chinese Embassy in the United States, the two parties have implemented an important consensus on the China dollar's first meeting, as well as in -depth opinions on bilateral and multilateral economic and financial issues.Policy coordination and communication on bilateral economic and trade issues have promoted jointly cope with global challenges and promote the healthy and stable development of Sino -US relations.

The US Ministry of Finance's statement stated that as part of the two countries' commitment to maintaining communication and cooperation in response to transnational challenges, Qin Gang and Yellen discussed their views on global macroeconomic and financial development.Yellen also emphasized that she is looking forward to communicating with China in the future.

He Zien, assistant professor of the Nanyang University of Science and Technology Rajernan International Research Institute, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the US chip sanctions against China were strategic, and Washington would not concession in this field.However, China and the United States are aware that there are still extensive economic and trade issues to talk about, so all economic and trade issues will not be summarized as strategic interests.

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, pointed out that China and the United States are currently strengthening dialogue in the fields of economic, financial trade, and China tried to reduce the impact of the United States' scientific and technological war on China through dialogue.

But if the situation of the United States ’aim of technology continues to intensify, it will definitely affect exchanges between China and the United States, because this reflects that the Sino -US dialogue has not achieved substantial results.