Chinese Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang said that China will further relax the epidemic prevention measures in the "near future" and welcome more international internationally.Passengers.NotSpan> December 12th < ) on the news platform said, "We understand everyone's concerns. At present, the epidemic prevention policy is gradually relaxing. I believe that in the near future, related measures will be further relaxed and international travel will be more convenient." NotMake the government when I feel stress.NotIt is also said, "Faced with the threat of coronal virus, the Chinese government has adopted a very responsible attitude to protect the lives of the people. Our response policy has always been dynamic, not just rigidly controlled and required people to not leave home without leaving home.. "
After China began to be controlled nationwide, the number of flights in and out of China dropped sharply.> China ’s international travel has almost stopped in the past three years .NotName US officials Yu 12From 11th to 12th SPAN> Visit China and prepares for State Secretary of State Brosky's visit to China in the next few weeks.This is the visit of the highest -level U.S. officials since the outbreak of the epidemic, marking that China's prevention and control measures are relaxing.Not, Entry China needs to do "5+3" isolation (five -day concentration isolation+three -day home isolation).