UBS Group estimates that the downturn in China's real estate market will cause the country's banking system to lose up to 1.5 trillion yuan (S $ 291047 billion) in loans, bonds and other assets.

According to Bloomberg, Yan Meizhi, director of the Greater China Financial Industry Research Department of UBS Investment Research, wrote in the report that this loss will be digested by the banking system because the banking industry has strong profitability and high profits and high capacityUnemployed asset reserve.Therefore, it is expected that there will be no bank system crisis.

Estimation of Yan Mei, the real estate risk exposure of China's banking industry is about 8.8 trillion yuan, and said that the stability of the industry is essential for preventing them from suffering from further losses.

Chinese officials launched a comprehensive plan last weekend to help the real estate industry.The regulatory agency released 16 measures for the steady and healthy development of the real estate market, and the scope of measures ranged from the liquidity crisis of developers to relaxing the down payment requirements of home buyers.

Yan Meizhi, the new guidelines show that the central government's support for the real estate industry is more powerful and comprehensive.

At the same time, the banks of China have been told to increase their loans to the real estate industry, including some joint -stock commercial banks to provide a new net increasing net increasing net increasing net increasing net increasing net net net increasingly in the real estate sector by the end of this year.Financing support.