U.S. President Biden meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Chinese President Xi Jinping.Later, China and the United States did not need to enter the New Cold War.

The Sino -US dollar is held today (November 14) in Bali, Indonesia for more than three hours.This is the first offline meeting for the first time since Biden took office in January 2021.

At a press conference held after the meeting, China and the United States would compete fiercely. "But I do n’t seek conflict, and I hope to manage competition responsibly."

He said in response to a reporter in response to the Wall Street Journal: "I definitely believe that (China and the United States) do not need to enter a new cold war."

In response: "I have met President Xi many times, and we are very frank and clear about each other in all parties. I don't think that China (Mainland) has any urgent attempts to invade Taiwan."

Biden also saidHe showed to Xi Jinping that the US position on the United States has not changed anymore, "we want to see cross -strait problems peacefully solve."