Some analysts believe that the first island chain composed of the United States and its allies in the Western Pacific has long been unable to block the PLA. The United States is currently accelerating the island chain strategy formulated in the 1950s in the 1950s, creating the "First Island Chain 2.0", and also forming a small multi -side with the regional allies.Strategic collaboration has a deterrent against China's coast.

The United States and its allies have recently upgraded the "island chain strategy" in the Indo-Pacific region and continuously expanded military deployment and cooperation. Among them, the US Department of Defense confirmed that it will deploy six B-52 long-range strategies with nuclear strike capabilities in Australia in early November.Bomber triggers China to be vigilant.

On the day of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Japan and Australia's heads also signed a new security cooperation agreement to deepen intelligence sharing and defense cooperation.The tension situation of the Taiwan Strait and the Korean Peninsula has recently intensified. Japan last Sunday (November 6) also held international maritime military parades after 20 years.Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong appeared on the Self -Defense Force's quasi -carrier "Izumo" school on the same day. Although he did not name China, it refers to the increasingly severe security situation around Japan, including the East China Sea and the South China Sea region, saying that it will further strengthen the deterrence and response of the Japan -US Allianceability.

Analysis of military observers and scholars interviewed by the interviewed by the first island chain has long been unable to block the PLA. The United States is currently accelerating the reinstatement of the island chain strategy formulated in the 1950s and creating the "First Island Chain 2.0". ActuallyIn the top, the first island chain and the second island chain were fused to form a strategic linkage. At the same time, it also formed a small and multilateral strategic collaboration with regional allies, which was deterrent to China's coast.

In addition, due to the severe lack of strategic mutual trust in China and the United States, and the gap between combat power has been continuously reduced year by year, the two major powers are expected to be long -term.

US Department of Defense spokesman Lai De confirmed on November 1 that the U.S. military will deploy six B-52 in Tingder Base in northern Australia.Lai De said that the move sent a clear signal to the regional country, that is, the United States has deterrent capabilities, and if necessary, it can deal with various emergencies around the world at any time.

B-52 is described as one of the most daunting weapons in the United States today, and can carry nuclear weapons and conventional weapons.Although it is the longest -serving model worldwide for more than 60 years, this grandfather -class bombing machine can continue to perform the task until at least 2050. It is still an extremely important active strategic weapon for the US Air Force.

Vesser, a senior researcher at the New American Security Center in Washington Think Tank, analyzed that due to the intensification of concerns about the attack on Taiwan, the United States deployed B-52 in Australia to warn Beijing.

At the end of October at the end of October, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, at the end of October, he criticized the tension between the United States and Australia to exacerbate the regional situation and severely damaged regional peace and stability, which may trigger regional arms competitions.With the increasing competition between China and the United States in the Asia -Pacific and the continuous deterioration of Sino -Australian relations, the United States and Australia have continued to deepen security relations in recent years.In September last year, the United States and Britain established a three -sided security partnership (AUKUS) with Australia, promising to provide Australian nuclear submarine technology, causing strong dissatisfaction in China.

Song Wendi, a lecturer at the Asia -Pacific College of the National University of Australia, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the United States recently deployed strategic assets in Australia and Indo -Pacific to increase the existence of forefronts.Signal.This is conducive to maintaining the credibility of the United States and the confidence of the Indo -Pacific allies and partners.

The first island chain 2.0 to suppress China's frontier movement

Taiwan senior military commentator Ji Leyi pointed out in an interview that the PLA had previously judged that the U.S. military will be removed from the front line from the front line to avoid remotely by the Rockets missile.Guam.However, the new island chain strategy and military force in the United States showed that the United States had not withdrawn, but re -suppressed the cutting -edge of China to "move forward."

义 亓

He believes that the United States is currently accelerating the island chain strategy introduced during the Cold War and creating the "First Island Chain 2.0".


Island Chain Strategy was first proposed by former US Secretary of State Dulles in 1951. The three island chain in the strategy was used to block the communist forces in the Western Pacific.

The first island chain is on the front line of the Communist Party, starting from the Japanese Islands, Ryukyu Islands in the north, and the middle connection of Taiwan, the south of the Philippines, the Grand Sunda Islands to New Zealand, and the scope of the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the SouthChina Sea and other widespread waters.

义 亓

He said that the new island chain strategy is for the rise of the rise of China; the United States continues to integrate the bilateral relations of scattered in the previous areas, and to create a close strategic collaboration relationship.On the side, forming a strategic suppression of China. "

The United States has continued to increase in Taiwan in recent years to further consolidate the dominance and control of the first island chain.

义 亓

"The United States will no longer commit the mistakes of NATO at the time in the entire Indo -Pacific region, and will not invest so much (military resources)."

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang UniversityFrequent haircuts, so in the past ten years, he has been trying to make better response and upgrade the island chain strategy since the Trump era.

Li Mingjiang analyzed that the United States knows that China is still pursuing offshore defenses. The military focus is on the first island chain. The most likely to have a conflict in the future in the Taiwan Strait.As a result, the U.S. military has transferred the focus on the combat level, and the island chain's military deployment is more "within the first island chain to form an effective deterrent to China."

commentator: the first island chain is real

Song Zhongping, a Chinese military commentator, said in an interview that the United States recently increased the island chain plan to show that the original military strategy was not suitable; the first island chain had already completely fell into the crackdown of American opponents such as China and Russia, and its names were survived.

Song Zhongping analyzed that the new strategy of the United States is actually the second island chain that originally used as the "big rear", which also turned into front -line military bases.Cathed Chinese challenges.This is also intended to deploy military capabilities in decentralization, "avoid being a nest."

Faced with the firepower coverage of the Rocket Army, and the analysis of the music righteousness, the front line deployment of the U.S. military is different from the past. At present, the first island chain is as militaryized as possible, including dozens of Japan.The large and small islands that have not yet been developed do not adopt a fixed stronghold, so that "the troops are moving between these islands at any time."The United States deployed the medium -range ballistic missile forces in the southwestern islands in Japan last year to strengthen the construction of the first island chain.

Song Zhongping expects that the United States will continue to "expand, integrate, and disperse deployment" of the military base of the first island chain and the second island chain in the future to achieve "effective crackdown on the implementation of deep targets around China and China."

义 亓

As the battlefield continues to move out of China from the coast, Song Zhongping expects that the PLA will strengthen the combined combat capabilities of various military arms and form a strong military coverage capabilities within the first island chain, allowing the United States to stay away from China's core interest areas.


"China's overall foreign military projection is mainly in the direction of the 'Belt and Road' (the South China Meridist India to Europe), not the island chain."

He believes that the PLA currently does not intend to control the island chain. It is more to "reverse and refuse" to open the depth and not allow the United States to effectively use the first island chain as a "attack launch line" as China.

Japan and Australia will share sensitive information to strengthen defense cooperation

Australia has recently strengthened defense relations with Japan, who is also a member of the "Quad).Australian Prime Minister Albanis and Kishida Wenxiong held a summit on October 22 to sign an upgraded version of security cooperation agreement.The national defense forces of the two countries will jointly exercise in northern Australia, and will also share sensitive information and strengthen defense cooperation.

Agence France -Presse quoted Japanese intelligence strategic expert Ogayan Koto that the security agreement will strengthen the QUAD framework, "the first step in Japan to join the five -eye alliance."

The National Executive Director of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, Wakfeld, analyzed that the signing of the security agreement to release Japan's more active signal in the security field, "(this agreement) may actually become Japan's cooperation with other countries in JapanTemplates, such as Britain. "

The Financial Times quoted the sources on November 5th that Japan also plans to sign a military agreement with Britain in December, hoping to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries and the United States in Indo -Pacific, and strengthen the threat of curbing China.

Song Zhongping analyzed that Japan and Australia played a "important role" in the island chain strategy of the United States. Japan mainly curbed mainland China to enter the West Pacific; Australia guarded the Indian Ocean to prevent the People's Liberation Army from further south, and also developed long -range combat capabilities.The Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea cooperate with the United States.

Li Mingjiang said that Japan Australia currently believes that China's military modernization has brought increasing challenges to the two countries and is willing to invest more budget enhanced military power. This is what the United States wants to see.Spend.

Li Shihui, a professor at the Japanese University of Political Science, pointed out in an interview that Japan entered energy from Russia before, and decentralized energy concentrated from the risk of the Middle East;Importing and international trade "maritime lifeline" may face the risk of being cut off during wartime, and "the security of the island chain becomes more important."

Li Shihui believes that after the signing of a security agreement between Japan and Australia, it has actually entered the "quasi -alliance relationship".He said that the Taiwan Straits and the South Pacific around the two countries are facing China's foreign military pressure, and each other is the best partner of developing military alliances.

Japan may join the Five Eye Alliance and Aukus

Military commentator Song Zhongping and Yuelei are expected that Japan is likely to join the Five -Eyes Alliance and Aukus in the future.Scholars Li Mingjiang believes that the possibility is small and pointed out that Japan is more likely to cooperate with these small and multilateral mechanisms with informal partnerships.

Li Shihui also pointed out that it is not difficult for Japan to join in Japan because Japan does not have anti -spy law, which has led many intelligence information to easily leak from home and abroad; this also allows other countries to question the ability to protect military intelligence in Japan.

Song Zhongping expects that the United States will not only build the Indo -Pacific version of "NATO" in the future, but also may establish a military alliance with AUKUS and the "Five Kingdoms" as the core worldwide.The five kingdoms of the axis will include the United States, Britain, Japan, Australia, and Australia. Japan may become the Asian agent in the United States and check the rise of China.

He analyzed that Japan has strong economic and technological strength, but the land is narrow and lack of resources. It is necessary to join forces with the vast Australian Australia to provide resources and strategic depth.

Scholar Song Wendi also pointed out that Australia has actually become the frontline strategic supply base of the US military.Once the crisis broke out in the future and Japan will be affected by war, Australia will provide stable logistics supplies for the front line to provide ammunition and maintenance.

The Kishida government has revised the security policy of the security policy in the next five years or doubles

The PLA fired Dongfeng missiles to the surrounding waters of Taiwan in early August this year, and five of them fell into the Japanese exclusive economic zone, causing high Japanese tension.

At present, the Kanada government is amending security related policies, which may double the defense expenditure of Japan in the next five years, becoming the third highest global military budget after the United States and China.

The United States and Japan will also participate in the British and Australian and Canada of the United States and Japan in Japan and Australia.

After the Japan Maritime Self -Defense Force held a international maritime military parade on November 6, a little later this month, the United States and Japan will also hold a large -scale exercise again in southwestern Japan.

Japanese researchers Li Shihui evaluated that the United States currently has only garrisons in Okinawa in the first island chain, and its military power is obviously insufficient. Therefore, the Japanese Navy, which "combat power is greater than or equal to the seventh of the United States", plays more in the Indo -Pacific strategy.Important roles are safe and stable with the United States to maintain the surrounding waters.

Li Shihui said that under the pressure of the United States, when Japan's pre -prime minister Shinzo Abe was in power, he changed the practice of "unwillingness" and began to actively express his opinions on the surrounding security environment, leading to the hostility with Chinese military in the military's military.The spiral rising is therefore more reason to seek increase in military expenses.

He analyzed that Japanese military after World War II was mainly limited by triple restrictions such as peace constitution, military expenses, and unable to develop or own nuclear weapons.However, these restrictions have been broken year by year, of which Abe has passed the New Security Law in the second term, allowing the exercise of collective self -defense rights and allowing the Self -Defense Force to send troops.

The "three principles of non -nuclear nuclear" ("non -holding, not manufacturing, not carrying" nuclear military three non -declarations that are raised in Japan have also begun to shake in the near future.Li Shihui pointed out that public opinion has begun to discuss the allowing US nuclear weapons to stay or deploy Japan. It may be relaxed in the future so that Japan will further become a country with military influence.

As Japan's future military expenses may double, Li Shihui predicts that the expected increase of 5 trillion yen (48 billion yuan) military expenses may invest in developing the country's military industry and a large numberThe locomotive industry.