A vote on Tuesday (November 8) in the US midterm election, a political scholar said in an interview with Japanese media that if the Republican Party wins, Congress will tend to a stronger policy on China.

According to a report by Kyodo News Agency on November 7, Claremont Graduate University, the United States, said in an interview with domestic politics and scholars on Asian diplomatic issues that the Republican Party said that the Republican PartyHe is good at responding to daily life concerns of inflation, illegal immigrants, and crimes. At present, the momentum is full of momentum. It is estimated that there will be a majority of seats in the two hospitals.

What changes will bring to the Russian and Ukraine issues if the Republican party wins, Gorwell said that the U.S. Congress may be affected by the "anti -interventionist" thought of former President Trump.He analyzed that the Republican leader of the House of Representatives was optimistic about the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, McCarthy, saying that the aid budget could not open a short check, and more than 50 members of the Representatives opposed the aid bill recently.

Dan Gelle pointed out that the United States has different diplomacy with Asia to Russia's diplomacy. Some Republican Senator candidates who are expected to be elected have proposed that limited budgets should be used to cope with China, not the Middle East and Europe.

Gewer analyzes that the Republican Party has shifted the focus of diplomatic focus to Asia to strengthen cooperation with Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Taiwan.

When it comes to the impact on Japan, Gewell said that the United States' attention to the Japanese and American alliances will not change, and the security guarantee of Japan and the United States with long -term alliance relations is interrelated.The two countries have a common understanding of China's growth and Asia will usher in a dangerous era.

The University of Virginia's Political Center predicted on the 7th that the Republican Party will win 24 more than 24 seats in the House of Representatives to easily win the control of the House of Representatives, and it is also expected to control the Senate with a weak majority.