The topic of "Stop Employee Salary" related topics on Thursday (November 3) rushed to the Sina Weibo hot search list,Some company employees said that Gome requires all employees to sign a letter of promise delayed salary.NotSurging News reported that Huang Xiuhong, chairman of Gome Electric, said at the full meeting of the company's headquarters on the afternoon of October 28 that the company will only give employees on social security until the end of December, and will not pay any more.NotEmployees who are still working in Gome Group have revealed that Gome has recently requested that all group employees such as Gome Electric signed a letter of commitment to delayed salary. The personnel department asked the group employees to complete the signing this week.NotThe letter of commitment provided by Gome employees shows that due to the major challenges and influence of the complex environment of internal and external, the company's strategic transformation is facing unprecedented difficulties.In order to ensure that the company's business business resumes as soon as possible, and continues to promote strategic transformation and improvement of business improvement, employees understand and promise in this special period.NotThe letter mentioned that "Since October 2022, it is understood that the company's salary may be delayed from the next six months to one year, and I have done a good job of thinking with the company with the company and the difficulties of the company during this time.. "

In addition, the promise letter also requires employees to promise everything to improve the operating performance as the starting point, the result -oriented, and the core criterion for the evaluation of value contributions.Delivery the results of the business on time and reached the results of the performance.NotThe employee said: "The meaning of this promise letter is not a salary, but just say that it may delay the issuance."

He pointed out that during this period of company operations, he insisted on it to the present, but this time he chose not to sign this.Letter letter."I feel this is the last chance, and I look forward to being able to stop the loss in time by being tailored."

He mentioned that it is not clear what the promise letter will face, "the probability should be cut, but mayThere are nominal compensation guarantees, although it is not available now, at least there will be a promise, which is also a guarantee. "

Another Gome employee said that Huang Xiuhong's statement "will only give employees to employees to social security by the end of December" at the conference.Whether it can be implemented is doubtful, and its salary has not been paid in September, and social security can only be paid in August, and the social security in September has not yet been paid.NotThe relevant person in charge said on September 26 that the transformation process of Gome enterprises was blocked, and the cash flow pressure was obvious. In order to ensure the company's normal operation, the company had made some temporary and emergency adjustments on salary distribution in that month.NotThe company does not rule out that it will continue to implement a job reduction plan to further reduce operating costs.The company's current operations are normal. Temporary adjustments are only short -term and phased emergency measures. Once the company's operation improves, the company will give you full salary as soon as possible, and at the same time, it will be compensated by the corresponding employees.NotIn the first half of the year, Gome's retail revenue was 1.21.09 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 2.354 billion), a year -on -year decrease of 53.46%; the net loss attributable to the parent company was 2.966 billion yuan, and the loss expanded by 50.24%year -on -year.In 2021, Gome Group achieved revenue of 46.484 billion yuan, an increase of 5.36%year -on -year.The net loss of home was 4.402 billion yuan, and the loss decreased by 37.06%year -on -year.NotRetail issued a profit warning announcement on October 28 showed that the company is expected to attribute to the parent company owner in 2022 to the parent company owner, which will expand between 35%to 65%compared with the same period last year.As of September 30, 2022, the Group's overdue loan was about 3 billion yuan.The Group is actively discussing the amendment of the loan terms or extending the loan period with relevant banks and financial institutions to achieve the repayment arrangement that the two parties agree.