Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, on Sunday (October 30), should make appointments with US Secretary of State Brillin.Professional shows that the United States and China are committed to maintaining the smooth communication channels.If necessary, the two may call on the phone again before the 20th National Summit (G20).

According to a press release issued on the official website on Tuesday (November 1) on Tuesday (November 1), Pois said at a routine press conference on Monday (October 31) in Eastern time that Brinken and Wang Yi conductedAfter about 70 minutes of effective dialogue, the two sides discussed a series of issues.The dialogue also showed that when the United States and China promised to keep the communication channels unblocked, "we must say it."

Puris said that both the United States and China believe that the United States and China must be responsible for managing bilateral relations. The United States is committed to doing so. It also believes that the necessity of high -level dialogue. Sunday's call also talks about this.

As for whether the two parties may speak again before the Summit of the 20th Golden Group in Bali Island, Indonesia, Polish said that Brins have repeatedly stated that they must maintain the need for smooth communication and pipelines.Therefore, when one of them believes that there is a need to call before the G20 summit, "I believe this will happen."

In response to the content of the dialogue between the two parties, Prees pointed out that Brinkens once again used the opportunity to mention the opportunity to the Chinese side and their threats to global peace, economic stability and prosperity, but Brinken admitted that Wang Yi, Wang Yi’s,The response is exactly the same as the statement proposed by the previous Chinese, and there is no new discussion.

In addition, the two sides also talked about the turmoil of the sea during the call. Brinken mentioned in the call that the United States should put on hold on any political differences and disputes, focusing on solving the humanitarian dilemma of Haiti, and alleviating the suffering of the local people.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday, Wang Yi urged the United States to stop the containment and target of China during the call, and do not create new obstacles to the relationship between the two countries.Wang Yi pointed out that Washington's export control to China seriously violated the rules of free trade and damaged the legitimate rights and interests of China, and must be corrected.

In this regard, Pois said that Brinken reiterated in the call that the U.S. goal was not curbing China, but to defend the international order with effective management relationships and rules based on the past 80 years.The policy is wrong for the ideas of China or any other country in the world. "

He said that there are serious differences in many fields between the United States and China, but in the final analysis, the core of US -China relations is competition, which contains the elements of confrontation, but also has the elements of cooperation.Brinken also reiterated on Sunday that the United States and China have common interests in certain fields. In order to benefit from the United States and China and the international community, the two sides should seek cooperation and coordination in the areas of common concern.