After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (the 20th National Congress), the heads of state of China and the United States spoke to Sino -US relations on Wednesday (October 26).Interviewed scholars analyzed that this is likely to create positive signals for the G20 summit meeting in November, but it has no ease of long -term Sino -US relations.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese officials mentioned the annual awards dinner to the National Committee of the United States and China Relations on the 26th to congratulate the letter that the world today is neither uneasy nor peaceful.As a big country, China and the United States to strengthen communication and cooperation can help promote the world to increase stability and certainty, and help promote world peace and development.

Chinese officials also said that China is willing to work with the United States, respect each other, live peacefully, cooperate and win a win -win situation, and find the correct way to get along in the new era in the new era.

This is the first time that Chinese officials have made public statements on Sino -US relations after the 20th CPC General General Secretary.

Zhang Deng, director of the Department of Political Science, Taiwan University, and interview with Lianhe Morning Post, after the end of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, for Beijing, the next major diplomatic agenda is the G20 summit. At this timeThe relationship between the two countries should be thrown out of the positive signal.

Scholars: Polite the statement does not guarantee that it has a significant impact on the long -term development of China and the United States

But Zhang Dengzhang believes that this is purely short -term and polite, which cannot guarantee that it can have a significant impact on the ease of Sino -US relations or long -term development.

The National Security Council spokesperson Kobe Monday (October 24) mentioned that the United States will maintain the opening of communication channels in China, including levels;On the 16th, the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia met.

If the two parties have successfully held talks, this will become the first talks with Chinese officials since Biden took office in 2021.

According to previous records, Chinese officials and Biden have given congratulations to the National Committee of the United States and China Relations in the past two years. The Chinese ambassador to the United States will attend the party over the years.

However, it is worth noting that according to the People's Daily report, the Chinese ambassador to the United States Qin Gang did not attend the dinner this time. Xu Xueyuan was renamed by the Chinese Embassy in the United States to attend and read and read the official congratulatory letter of China.

Before that, Qin Gang was selected as a central member of the Central Committee on October 22.

Some analysts believe that this means that Qin Gang is a popular candidate for the next foreign minister, and it may soon end the work of ambassadors in the United States and return to China as a diplomatic position.

Public information shows that the U.S. -China Relations National Committee is a US non -governmental organization established in 1966.In the 1970s, the Chinese and American table tennis teams visited each other, which promoted the diplomatic ice of the two countries. At that time, the National Committee of the United States and China Relations was the National Committee of the Chinese Team.Since then, this institution has also become one of the primary organizations in the exchange of policy exchanges between the two countries.