At the time of the tension between China and the United States, China officially emphasized that China and the United States as a big country and strengthening communication and cooperation will not only help promote the world to increase stability and certainty, but also help promote world peace and development.

According to the China CCTV News client report, Chinese official Wednesday (October 26) gave congratulations to the annual award dinner of the National Committee of the United States and China Relations.

According to reports, Chinese officials congratulated the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Committee of the United States and China Council and the chairman of Anda Group, Evan Greenberg, congratulated, and congratulated the committee and their members to actively promote the development of Sino -US relations and the two countries.Exchange and cooperation in various fields expressed appreciation.

Chinese officials pointed out that the world today is neither uneasy nor peaceful.As a big country, China and the United States to strengthen communication and cooperation can help promote the world to increase stability and certainty, and help promote world peace and development.

He said that China is willing to work with the United States, respect each other, live peacefully, cooperate and win a win -win situation, and find the correct way to get along with China and the United States in the new era.

Chinese officials also hope that the National Committee of the United States and China Relations and friends from all walks of life who care about Sino -US relations will continue to play an active role and help Sino -US relations return to the track of healthy and stable development.

On the other hand, the U.S. State Department spokesman Pois Monday (October 24) said at a regular press conference that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the changes in the relevant leadership "will not change the strategy of the United States to China."That is, while competing on security issues, they cooperate with China about global affairs in any possible field.

He said: "We welcome China to cooperate in the fields where our interests are consistent, including climate change, global hygiene, anti -drug and anti -diffusion, etc."

Ceroberi, a spokesman for the National Security Council, also said earlier that the United States will "keep communication channels, including levels."

The White House team is also trying to arrange for Biden and Chinese officials in November of the G20 (G20) summit held in Bali Island in November.