(Kuala Lumpur Comprehensive News) The 15th national election date in Malaysia has not been determined. Each party has worked hard to mobilize voters to vote, including arranging carpooling and sending Malaysian voters to return to vote.

Organize voters to carry car carpool to the voting station to dispatch the four -wheel drive defense voting day flooding

According to the Star Daily report, in addition to being strived to call for overseas voters to return to vote, various political parties are preparing to provide various services to facilitate overseas voters to vote or mail votes.This includes organizing voters to go to the voting station, and even prepares a four -wheel drive car to prevent the voting from flooding the votes.

In the past, only the opposition party would make these special arrangements for voters, but now even the original ruling party BN also did the same.The Barisan Nasional Penang State Chairman Mussechal said that Barisan Nasional has mobilized the campaign mechanism to come into contact with overseas voters and assist them in voting."We use various methods (contact overseas voters), including telephone centers and social media through the women's group."

The Chief of the Islamic Party Youth Leader Ahmad Fedric said that the Iraqi Party worked hard to mobilize overseas voters voting through social media and also arranged representatives to assist the campaign in various countries."We will send representatives to Egypt, Australia, and Indonesia with many students in Malaysia. We will encourage them to not return to voters to mail votes."

The "Malaysia" campaign launched by the Acting Chairman of the Agreement of the Justice Party of Justice and the Chairman of the Justice Party, the Acting Chairman of the Justice Party, is to encourage voters to vote.He said that the Pakatan Harapan President Anhua also actively exposed voters and encouraged voters to choose the right candidates.

The Malaysia Democratic Front (MUDA, Mulda) Media Liaison Director Le Ban said: "We are vigorously promoting the 18 -year -old voting, mailing votes and" getv, get to vote). "HeIt is said that after the election committee announced the date of the election, Mida will provide more services, including providing bus services to encourage overseas voters to return to vote.

The Election Commission will meet on Thursday (October 20) to decide the nomination date and voting date of the 15th national election.

We will send representatives to Egypt, Australia, and Indonesia with many students in Malaysia.We will encourage those who cannot return to vote to mail votes.

—— Ahmadori, the head of the Iranian Party