(Morning News) Japanese media said that Emperor Deren in Japan plans to go to London to attend Queen Elizabeth II of Britain Funeral.If the news is true, this will be Deren's first visit to the emperor in May 2019.

Asahi TV reported on Saturday (September 10) that Prime Minister Kishida also considered attending the funeral of the Queen of England before attending the United Nations Conference in New York, USA.

The Japanese Hall in Japan said on the 9th that Emperor Deren went to Oxford University in the 1980s to study, "deeply sad" for the Queen of Britain, and mourned to the British government.According to reports, Queen Britain invited Emperor Deren to visit the UK in 2020. Due to the popularity of outbreaks of crown diseases, the visit was delayed.

On the same day, the Japanese NTV, TBS television station and other media quoted government sources as saying that Queen Yaki also expressed his hope to attend the funeral of the Queen of England.The Japanese government is arranging their schedule.

The emperor of Japan to participate in the royal funeral overseas is quite rare.Kyodo News reported that when Emperor Akihito, who was now abdicated, was still the Emperor in 1993, attended the national funeral of King Bolu, the King of Belgium.

Reuters reports that the funeral date of the Queen of England has not been determined, but it is expected to be held on September 19 in the Church of Westminster, London.

U.S. President Biden announced on the 9th that he will attend the funeral of the Queen of England.