(Washington Comprehensive News) People familiar with the matter said that the US President Biden delayed whether it would cancel the Trump's tariffs on imported products in China. The U.S. government is also studying how to help companies reduce tariff pressure.

According to Bloomberg, three people familiar with the names who do not want to disclose their names said that Bayeng signed a new exemption procedure this summer to exempt tariffs on manufacturing materials imported from China, but now it will be postponed to make the final final event.Decide.

A U.S. government official said that the U.S. Trade Representative Office (USTR) announced a tariff assessment designed to help enterprises reduce stress on Friday. Enterprises can make opinions on whether a tariff will damage the employment or competitiveness of the United States.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesman Shu Tingting responded on Thursday (September 8) that China always believes that the 301 tariff measures for the United States to China are not conducive to China and the United States and the entire world.

She said that in the current high inflation situation, the United States has decided to extend tariffs on China, which will inevitably make many American companies and consumers suffer greater losses.

The United States levied up to 25%of the two tariffs on Trump's $ millions of Chinese goods on July 6 and August 23, respectively on July 6 and August 23.The US media previously predicts that Bayeng will make a decision to cancel tariffs before its expiration.

But the White House has been raising this chess for a few months. US Secretary of Commerce Raymond Doro and US Treasury Minister Yellen believes that the reduction of tariffs on limited degree will benefit American companies and consumers who purchase Chinese products.

U.S. labor groups oppose the cancellation of tariffs.Dai Qi, a US trade representative, also believes that the tariffs on the collection can provide chips against China.

In addition, after visiting Taiwan in the US House of Representatives Perosi, after the Chinese PLA conducted a series of military exercises around Taiwan, Sino -US relations have worsened. It is generally believed that the plan to cancel tariffs becomes farther and farther.