(Morning News) The Special Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States on Thursday (July 21) on January 6, 2021, the last live TV hearing was held in the U.S. Congress Riorm Survey.

Reuters reported that the results of the Reuters/Upuso polls that completed the investigation on the 21st showed that Republicans' views on Republican President Trump have increased.

This two -day survey was completed a few hours before the eighth Congress TV hearing.The survey found that 40%of Republicans now believe that Trump must be at least responsible for the riots of Congress last year.Only 33%of Republicans held the same opinion six weeks ago.

Although Trump continues to obtain extensive support in the Republican Party, he hinted from time to time that he would run for the president again in 2024, but in a live TV hearing that lasted for six weeks, he focused on TrumpHow to pressure Vice President Pence to assist him to overthrow the results of the defeat, and his many confidantes questioned him about the allegations that he claimed to be the election involving large -scale fraud.

Now, one -third of the Republican interviewees believe that Trump should not run for president in 2024, which is much more time than when the Congress riots investigated the TV hearings in early June.At that time, the Republican interviewees who thought he should no longer choose the Presidential President was one -quarter.

Most Republican interviewees said that they had seen at least a short period of TV hearings investigating the riots in Congress, and only one of each of them said that there were no reports on the TV hearings on the survey of Congress.

On the 21st, the Congress Investigating Television Hearing will focus on the key of a few hours before Trump called on supporters on January 6 last year.

After Trump delivered a speech at the White House that day, his supporters walked towards the parliamentary building and evolved into a fatal riots that violently impacted the parliamentary building.