(Bloomberg, New York) Although China ’s largest chip manufacturer SMIC is trapped in US sanctions, it may have enhanced the manufacturing technology two generations.

According to Bloomberg report, Techinsights, a semiconductor industry observation agency, wrote in a blog on Tuesday that the manufacturer of Shanghai's manufacturer SMIC is delivering a Bitcoin mining chip manufactured by 7 nanometers, which is far more mature than the company's 14th 14th.Advanced nano technology.

A person who understands progress but is unwilling to disclose his identity has also confirmed this.SMIC rose 1.9%in Hong Kong on Thursday, and chip and chip equipment stocks such as Fudan Microelectronics, Northern Huachuang and Sino -Micro Corporation also rose by more than 5%.

The amazing progress of SMIC can not help but make people doubt the effectiveness of the US export control mechanism. It also has questioned whether Washington can really frustrate China to build a world -class chip industry and reduce the ambitions to rely on foreign technology.At the same time, Senator Marco Rubio and Micron Michael McCaul have repeatedly urged the Biden government to tighten the export control of SMIC and ensure that China will not provide key technologies to Russia with, Nor will it help Moscow to avoid sanctions

The restrictions on the United States have actually made Huawei unable to obtain tools required for competition in the cutting -edge field, so as to settle in smartphone business.However, Huawei is currently configured quietly and starts to develop its own chip again.

SMIC had previously stated that its core ability was 14 nanometer technology that lags two generations than 7 nanometers, and 7 nanometers were about four years behind TSMC and Samsung Electronics's most advanced technology.The company said at the performance telephone of the year that as early as 2020, it cooperated with customers to develop more advanced technology than 14nm.

Minerva Semiconductor Corp., headquartered in China, showed a 7 -nanometer chip on its website, and said that mass production was for production in July 2021, but did not indicate the manufacturer.Techinsights reports that the company is a SMIC.Representatives of SMIC and Minerva did not immediately reply to Bloomberg's comment request.

Since the end of 2020, the Trump administration of the United States pointed out that SMIC has something to do with the Chinese military. It has blacklisted SMIC on the grounds of national security.Sale equipment that can be used to make 10 nanometers and more advanced chips.

However, according to the information of the US Congress hearing, the United States still agrees to have 113 export permits from suppliers to Huawei, worth $ 61 billion (S $ 84.804 billion), and 188 export licenses worth nearly $ 42 billionA grant of SMIC.