(Morning News) The Japanese Atomic Energy Regulations approved the nuclear sewage discharge plan for Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station.

Reuters quoted the report from the Kyodo News Agency on Friday (July 22) that the Japanese Atomic Energy Regulations believe that it is safe to discharge the nuclear sewage discharge of Tritium, which contains a trace of trace.

The Japanese Atomic Energy Regulations on May 18 announced a "draft review book" applied for the Fukushima first nuclear power plant nuclear pollution water drainage plan.Decide whether to formally approve the programs of the Haihai.The outside world believes that this means "bright green lights" for nuclear pollution water discharge plans for nuclear pollution water discharge.

On March 11, 2011, the East Japan Earthquake, a nuclear scrap water occurred in Fukushima, and the storage tank used to store the purified wastewater was expected to reach the upper limit of storage in this fall.In order not to prevent the operation of waste, the Japanese government unilaterally announced that in April 2023, the nuclear sewage station of the Fukushima nuclear power plant was discharged to the ocean, trying to "reduce the harm through the dilution of the seawater."

This move caused concerns and opposition in Japan and neighboring countries.