

Notes on the stage

Finally here!"On Wednesday (April 12), the Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China launched a trade barrier survey of 2455 products restricted in Taiwan. People familiar with cross -strait economic and trade people knew that they would have this day in the morning and evening, but at first glance, the news was shocked, and then it emerged, and then it emerged.It is: "Is the Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Architecture Agreement (ECFA) also stop?"

On this day of the Ministry of Commerce, the DPP chairman Lai Qingde was nominated by the party to run for the President of 2024.The survey is expected to end before October 12 this year. Special circumstances can be extended to January 12, 2024, and the day before the voting of the Taiwan election was "happened."The mainland's political intention to pressure Taiwan's pressure on Taiwan is obvious.

The mainland and Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 and 2002, respectively. They should be mutually beneficial to each other.In Taiwan, Taiwan has still banned 1066 agricultural products and 1,394 industrial products on the mainland, and a total of 2455 products were imported, accounting for about one -fifth of all imported projects.

Bao Zong, a honorary professor at the Department of Political Science of Taiwan University, described in interviews by the China Evaluation Agency that in the past, the mainland was "dots" for single products such as pineapple and Shakya.tower.

When the former President Ma Ying -jeou was in power, the mainland hoped that the cross -strait economic integration was used as the basis for promoting unity, actively benefited the Taiwan, signed ECFA with Taiwan, and made a deed to the dark green Tainan milkfish.However, Taiwan's profit from cross -strait economic and trade has even more resistance to reunification, especially with the money earned from the mainland to buy the US military fire. The mainland's internal complaints about the policies of the Taiwan -Wet platform have complained, and even the ECFA is required to abolish the ECFA.

Tsai Ing -wen criticized ECFA as sugar and coat poison and the asymmetric treaty of "funeral and humiliating the country."However, after obtaining the regime in 2016, I knew the importance of ECFA to Taiwan's economy, and did not fulfill its commitment to abolish the ECFA referendum.

According to the statistics of the General China Customs Department, the total imports of mainland China from Taiwan in 2022 were US $ 238.092 billion (S $ 316.5 billion, the same below), and the total exports of the mainland to Taiwan were 81.587 billion US dollars.trade surplus.If it is not a huge surplus from the mainland, there will be a large deficit in Taiwan.Essence

After Cai Yingwen came to power, the relationship between cross -strait relations was getting worse.In diplomacy, the mainland has taken nine diplomatic relations in Taiwan in the past seven years. Last year, Perlis, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, visited Taiwan.This year, due to Tsai Ing -wen's transit in the United States, the US House of Representatives Speaker McCarthy, the Police Police Patrol and the "Lianli Sword", which had just ended the mainland, even "sea into the sea"; followed by the Economic War.The continental serial offensive is fierce, and even scholars and experts who are familiar with the situation on both sides of the strait are shocked.

"Tsai Ing -wen is around the edge of the Red Line, but Lai Qingde stepped on the red line directly." A scholar said to United Zaobao: "Although Lai Qingde emphasizes the continuation of Tsai Ing -wen's four persistences, he advocates that both sides of the strait are not affiliated with each other.But Tsai Ing -wen at least did not say Taiwan independence. "Lai Qingde not only declared that Taiwan was a country with sovereignty and independence, but the Central Committee of the DPP also publicly stated that "we are Taiwanese, not Chinese", and constantly provoking the most sensitive nerves on both sides of the strait.

Tang Yonghong, deputy director of the Taiwan Research Center of Xiamen University, pointed out that under the long -term misleading of the Green Camp forces such as the DPP, most people in Taiwan no longer recognize the two sides of the strait.In the middle, the main contradiction between the two sides of the strait has undergone qualitative changes, and has evolved from internal contradictions to contradictions between the enemy and me.

Therefore, the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland launched a trade barrier investigation to restrict Taiwan's restrictions on 2,455 products. In addition to the first time the petrochemical, textiles and food companies were worried, many Taiwanese businessmen worried that the era of the mainland's one -sided profit was ending.

Faced with the first economic war in the mainland, the official Taiwan official was obviously unexpected, including the Minister of Economy Wang Meihua and other related persons on Thursday (April 13) in the Legislative Yuan.I don't know.Wang Meihua only said that he was willing to negotiate with the land without the premise.

Cross -strait institutionalized communication channels have been interrupted from the Cai government in 2016 without recognizing the "1992 Consensus". If the Cai government does not recognize the "1992 consensus", there is no door to cross -strait communication.It is unanimously pointed out that the arbitration results will lose in Taiwan. If the prohibited agricultural items are open, Taiwan's agricultural products have lost their advantages.

Experts also pointed out that although trade barriers are WTO, different from ECFA, there are quite a lot of industrial products and ECFA overlap in trade barriers. If it is not handled, it will inevitably affect ECFA.

If the "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker" Lai Qingde was elected as the president of 2024, it did not change the cross -strait policy to change, and the Taiwan economy was worrying.