Gui Hailin, chief forecast at the Central Meteorological Observatory of China, said that the appearance of sand and dust is an inevitable weather phenomenon and does not need to be cured.

According to the surging news report, the Chinese capital Beijing has encountered sandstorm again on Tuesday (April 11), and the air quality has reached serious pollution standards. The China Meteorological Bureau held an online ventilation meeting on the theme of "sand and dust" in the morning.

Gui Hailin, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said at the meeting that the problem of cure sand and dust weather should pay attention to the country's governance methods of sand and dust.The scientific attitude is adopted by anti -sand and sand, that is, "Yisha Sand" in these areas, mainly to prevent the expansion of sand.

Gui Hailin said that the sparsely precipitated climate areas are not conducive to the growth of vegetation. With special weather systems such as large atmospheric spins, the emergence of sand and dust is an inevitable weather phenomenon and does not need to be cured.

"In addition to some adverse effects, the weather in sand and dust, in fact, there will still be some favorable places for the entire global ecosystem." Gui Hailin said.

Data statistics, more than 70 % of the sand and dust in China appeared in spring throughout the year, the most frequent month in April, followed by March and May.

Wu Bo, director of the Institute of Desertification of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, analyzed to the People's Daily that the main domestic source of China's sandstorms is concentrated in desert areas such as southern Xinjiang, the Hexi Corridor of Gansu, and the central and western parts of Inner Mongolia.Vegetation recovery has played a certain role in reducing the amount of dust in the sand source area and the dangers of the sandstorm.However, the Gobi Desert in southern Mongolia is also an important source of sand and dust affecting China. In 2022, the growth of vegetation in southern Mongolia was compared with the average status in recent years.