(Taipei / Chongqing Comprehensive News) Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou, who is visiting mainland China on Tuesday (April 4), to Chongqing's anti -Japanese general Zhang Zizhong, General Zhang Zizhong, mourning, and the eyes red for several times, and shouted the slogan to the tombstone.Bow.

Comprehensive Lianhe Daily, Dongsen News, and China News Agency, Ma Ying -jeou visited the Cemetery of General Zhang Zizhong with Zhang Zizhong's grandson Zhang Qingcheng that morning.

After listening to Zhang Zizhong's life introduction, Ma Ying -jeou wiped his tears several times, led the team to sorrow Zhang Zizhong for a minute, and presented Bai Ju in a circle around the tombstone.When the brigade was ready to leave, Ma Ying -jeou suddenly returned, and personally shouted the slogan to lead all the members to bow three of the tombstone to Zhang Zizhong.

Zhang Zizhong was a native of Linqing, Shandong. From 1937 to 1940, he participated in the Linyi Defense War, Xuzhou Battle, Wuhan Battle, Sui Zao Council and Zao Yi Battle.In May 1940, he was killed in the battle with the Japanese army in Xiangyang and awarded the title of General Level 2. He was the highest general of the Kuomintang who was sacrificed in the Anti -Japanese War.

Ma Ying -jeou also visited the Zhang Zizhong Memorial Hall. When the interpreter mentioned that Zhang Zizhong fought to the last moment, he wiped his tears again.

Ma Ying -jeou told Zhang Qingcheng that Zhang Zizhong fought to the end under the disparity between the enemy and me. He was a great general. He was suffering a lot of grievances, seeking death, and moving.

Ma Ying -jeou also visited the Chongqing Anti -Japanese War Site Museum rebuilt by Chiang Kai -shek official residence that afternoon.When the interpreter mentioned that Chongqing bombed many civilians, Ma Ying -jeou responded: "The Japanese are bad and specialize in civilians bombing civilians." He said, "Later, Japan was also retributed."

When visiting Song Meiling assisted in the establishment of the Air Force, Ma Ying -jeou said that Song Meiling played an important role in the establishment of the Air Force, especially when dealing with US Air Force consultant Chen Nade was very effective.He also revealed that, including Chen Nade himself and all the flying tigers, he was fascinated by Song Meiling, "I like her so much."

Ma Ying -jeou also visited the former site of the Kuomintang Central Political School.The school specially re -mounted Ma Ying -jeou's parents Ma He Ling and Qin Houxiu's wedding photos that year, which surprised Ma Ying -jeou and took photos with his parents.

According to the press release issued on Tuesday, Ma Ying -jeou's office, Ma Ying -jeou went to the Night Tour of the Nantian Stone Street and the core area of the two rivers and the four banks of the two banks of the south bank of Chongqing.According to the press release, some people in Chongqing "breakthrough" the people invited Ma Ying -jeou to sign. Some people crossed the road to the middle line to shake hands with Ma Ying -jeou. The public security urgently pulled the wall to block the people.

Ma Ying -jeou, accompanied by Pan Xianlou, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China and Lu Hong, member of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, led the Taiwan students to enjoy the night view of the Jialing River and the Yangtze River.