(Taipei Comprehensive News) Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou, who was visiting mainland China on Saturday (April 1), brought four sisters to return to Hunan Xiangtan to worship his grandfather Ma Li'an.He chanted the sacrifice with Changsha Township, and described his tears several times when he first went to the mainland to worship his ancestors to visit relatives.

Comprehensive China Times United Daily reports, Ma Ying -jeou went to Shuangyang Village, Shuangyang Village, Chaen Town, Xiangtan County, Xiangtan Town, Xiangtan Town, Xiangtan Town, Xiangtan Town, Xiangtan Town.The team departs from the hotel in Changsha at 8 am on Saturday at about 10 o'clock.Many local villagers watched at the scene and also set off firecrackers to welcome Ma Ying -jeou.

It is reported that in order to facilitate Ma Ying -jeou's ancestors, the mainland officials specially renovated the facilities around the pavement and the surrounding grave.Some local people revealed that the new road is called "Yingjiu Road", and the Ma Jiazu tomb has also been included in the list of local Wenbo units.

After Ma Ying -jeou and others appeared in front of the grave and offering flowers, Ma Ying -jeou read the sacrifice in Changsha dialect.In the sacrifice, Ma Ying -jeou mentioned that he "in 1997 (2008) and 101 years (2012), he was elected as the President of the Republic of China twice", and said that he worked hard to be clean, diligent, and loved the people within eight years., More actively promote the peaceful development of cross -strait, propose a big strategy of "with land, pro -beauty, friendly and day", and "let this eight years becomes the most peaceful and prosperous stage in the 70 years of Taiwan and the mainland."

When Ma Ying -jeou read the end of the sacrifice, it was difficult to hide his excitement and choked and burst into tears, saying that this was the first time in his life to worship his ancestors and visit relatives in mainland China, and his heart was very moved.He described that his grandfather Ma Lian's legacy "gold and non -treasure books are treasures, everything is empty and good" is the most precious asset in the life of the Ma's descendants.

When Ma Ying -jeou's ancestors were finished, they still wiped tears with handkerchiefs when they were accepted by the media.He said, "Chasing the distance with cautiousness and the return of people's morality, this is a very important part of our Chinese moral education," and said that the ancestor worship meant that he had achieved his desire for many years and told his ancestors in person.Doing people according to the legacy.

Ma Ying -jeou also went to Hengshan Nanyue Zhong Martyr's temple to worship on the afternoon and sent two flower baskets.The flower basket reads "The Anti -Japanese War has a long survival", and the funds were presented as the former chairman of the Kuomintang Ma Ying -jeou and all members of the group.

The National Army soldiers who were worshiped in the Anti -Japanese War were the last place where the Republic of China government held the Spring Festival ceremony in mainland China.Taiwan media described Ma Ying -jeou's local sacrifice.

During the CCP and the Cultural Revolution, the Nanyue Martyr's Shrine was severely destroyed. The plaque of the "Martyr's Temple" inscribed by Chiang Kai -shek was also taken by farmers as pigpends.It is cited as a provincial cultural relics protection unit and is now a commemorative facility in mainland martyrs.