

Notes on the stage

Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou, who has been engaged in cross -strait work for nearly 40 years, returned to mainland China this week. The excitement and excitement overflowed with the mood.He properly mentioned the status of the "Republic of China" and his "former president" in Nanjing Zhongshan Mausoleum, and received praise in Taiwan. Even some people who originally criticized him had to affirm.

Ma Ying -jeou, who was born in Hunan, has been responsible for cross -strait affairs since the age of 37. He is the name of the late President Jiang Jingguo. The name of the polar density files that plan to open the mainland to visit relatives is "Ying Tao Project".This originated from the first ancient text, "Zheng Bok Duan Yu Xun", who was seven years old. The idea was that Zheng Zhuanggong did not understand that his mother was abandoned.", Regret it afterwards.Uncle Ying Kao dedicated his plan and cleverly asked Zheng Zhuanggong to meet his mother in the underground. He admired Uncle Xing's wisdom.

Ma Ying -jeou's office revealed that after the Chinese President of the Mainland and the official China and Ma Ying -jeou in Singapore in Singapore in 2015, they said to Ma Ying -jeou as a "later meeting".Various names such as the festival have been invited, and after the three -year control period, the DPP government has been regulated for two years.At the end of last year, the mainland epidemic was alleviated, and Lu Fang came to invite again, considering that the horse was 73 years old, and then set out to arrange ancestral ancestral trip.

Ma Office pointed out that Ma Ying -jeou took care of the overall situation, considering the tight international situation and the 2024 election in Taiwan, deliberately avoided Beijing and visited in the name of private ancestors.The students are accompanied by the students who want to communicate with the students in the mainland to increase each other.

The mainland completely respects Ma Ying -jeou's thoughts. The reception gives seems low -key, but the specifications are quite high. Therefore, Ma Ying -jeou said that he was beyond expectations.Before the visit of Ma Ying -jeou, the Taiwan Media jointly reported that Ding Xuexiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, took over the opportunity. The Ma Office did not clarify in time. As a result, Chen Yuanfeng, deputy director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was taken over.So I wore a negative rumors such as Ma Ying -jeou, and Qiu Tai San, including the chairman of the mainland committee, also said that the mainland did not laid a red carpet, and the pick -up level was not appropriate. It felt that the horse was dwarfed.

In 2005, scholars who visited the mainland with former Kuomintang chairman Lien Chan pointed out to the United Zard that Lien Chan was the ice -breaking journey invited by the then national chairman Hu Jintao to launch a new bureau on both sides of the strait.Ma Ying -jeou is a private ancestor, and his identity is the former chairman of the party.He observed that "the mainland's reception specifications are very high, his speech on his Lingling is a bit loose, and a bit of water."

Ma Ying -jeou visited the Memorial Memorial Hall of the Narcotes of the Nanjing Massacre, and said that his mood was greatly impacted, and the beast -like atrocities of Japan's beasts in China emphasized that "history must not be forgotten."He hopes that Chinese people on both sides of the strait should be self -contained to resist foreign insults, and we will strengthen some "we may understand insufficient parts in Taiwan" from elementary school education.

Many young people who have been in the old age saw this conversation and said with emotion. Ma Ying -jeou came to "atonement".They disappointed Ma Ying -jeou's uncomfortable curriculum that was distorted by Taiwan independence anyway, letting Li Denghui the Taiwan independence education since the end of the administration of Li Denghui continued for more than 20 years.Young people under the age of 40 in Taiwan grew up under this education. They agreed that they were Taiwanese and were not Chinese. The proportion of them was rising, and the spiritual distance between the two sides of the strait was getting farther and farther. This is also the main reason for the Kuomintang to obtain youth votes.

The place where Ma Ying -jeou visited this trip included the Nanjing Presidential Palace and the Wuchang Uprising of the 1911 Revolution. It was intended to wake up the history of the people of Taiwan in the mainland in 1911.The history of "the Republic of China in Taiwan".

He also reminded the Kuomintang to adhere to the importance of the "1992 Consensus". Several important people in the party have publicly expressed their support and no longer blur.If this can become the Kuomintang's tone, the future of communication with the mainland will be much smoother.

The Democratic Progressive Party noticed that Ma Ying -jeou's visit to Lu Xing has produced some ripples, including cross -strait historical and anti -war historical materials, worrying about the "anti -Japanese joint front" of the country and the Communist Party.It is a Taiwanese, not Chinese. "It is obvious that Ma Ying -jeou has put pressure on the DPP.

Related influence also depends on the degree of subsequent fermentation. At least to resolve the hostility on both sides of the strait and avoid war, Ma Ying -jeou has left his name in history.