After Ma Ying -jeou flew to Shanghai, Chen Yuanfeng, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, went to pick up the plane. The atmosphere was friendly but not high -profile.Ding Xuexiang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council of Mainland China yesterday morning yesterday morning, will make a special trip to Shanghai. This scene has not happened.

Ma Ying -jeou, who has attracted much attention from Taiwan, "landed" on Monday (March 27), the ancestor worship.This is the first time in the 74 years of cross -strait division, the first time in Taiwan has visited mainland China.In an interview with Ma Ying -jeou at the airport before the trip, he waited for 36 years to have the opportunity to visit the mainland. It was indeed "waiting for a long time."

After he arrived in Shanghai, Chen Yuanfeng, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, went to pick up the plane. The atmosphere was friendly but not high -profile.Ding Xuexiang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council of Mainland China yesterday morning yesterday morning, will make a special trip to Shanghai. This scene has not happened.

Taiwan media and international media, especially the moment the Japanese media set off at Ma Ying -jeou, paid great attention to his movements.When he gave a conversation at Taoyuan International Airport at noon on Monday, he once again explained his mood and reason for land.

Ma Ying -jeou said: "When I was 37 years old, I dealt with cross -strait affairs when I was 37. I was 73 years old. I waited for 36 years to have the opportunity to visit the mainland.P>

He said that in addition to sacrificing ancestors this time, he also brought 30 college students to exchange on the other side. He hoped that through the enthusiasm and interaction of young people, the current atmosphere on both sides of the strait was improved and peaceful and earlier.

Hongtai breaks in Taiwan the day before departure caused a saliva war

However, just the day before Ma Ying -jeou set off, Honduras, a country in Central America, announced that he had broken diplomatic relations with Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with mainland China.

Zhang Zhihao, a spokesman for the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan, said at a press conference on the 27th that Beijing was selected to operate the platform to interfere with the day before Ma Ying -jeou's visit to Lu. Ma Ying -jeou should adjust his schedule to express his position.But it was spitting.

Ma Ying -jeou arrived at Taoyuan Airport, and there were also Taiwanese independence groups shouting the slogan "Ma Ying -jeou lost power and humiliate the country" at the scene.Ma Ying -jeou also faced the media about the media's interrogation of the media, but did not respond.

At Shanghai Pudong International Airport, the official also strengthened security for Ma Ying -jeou.According to the observation of the joint morning newspaper reporter, the lanes of the second terminal of Pudong Airport have stopped on both sides of the lane. From the afternoon, four or five police cars were stopped, and many police officers stood.The international Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan arrived in the terminal, and some police officers patrolled on the spot.

After Ma Ying -jeou flew to Pudong Airport at 4:21 pm, Sun Shengliang, the director of the Liaison Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, went to the boarding ladder for reception.

Chen Yuanfeng, Zhang Wei's member and secretary general of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Zhong Xiaomin, director of the Shanghai Taiwan Office, and Li Xiaodong, deputy director, were greeted by the apron.

After the brief greetings between the two sides, Ma Ying -jeou left the airport from the parking apron, headed to Shanghai Hongqiao Station, and rushed to Nanjing at 7 o'clock that night.

From Tuesday (28th), Ma Ying -jeou will first go to Nanjing to worship the Zhongshan Mausoleum and visit the Presidential Palace and Sun Yat -sen's former residence of the Presidential Palace of the Republic of China.The ancestors, "accompanied the capital" Chongqing in the war, and finally returned to Shanghai.

In the meantime, he will also have a discussion with students from Shanghai Fudan University, Wuhan University in Hubei, and Hunan University.

Before Ma Ying -jeou, Lien Chan, Vice President of Taiwan, visited Lu in 2005 as the Kuomintang chairman in 2005. It was the first supreme leader of the Kuomintang to set foot in the mainland after the cross -strait division.

In that year, when Lien Chan arrived in Nanjing via Hong Kong's transfer, Chen Yunlin, then the director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was received.