The Kuomintang chairman of Taiwan, Zhu Lilun, met with the former director of the United States Association (AIT), the former director of the United States, and the two of the directors of the United States.

Comprehensive Liberty Times and Central News Agency reported that the Kuomintang said in the press release that Zhu Lilun met with the Kuomintang think tank in Taipei on Thursday (March 23) in the afternoon of Thursday (March 23).Zhu Lilun thanked Bu Ruizhe for his contribution to democracy in Taiwan and cross -strait peace. He also looked forward to more cooperation in the future based on the existing solid basis.

The Kuomintang said that when talking about the status quo on both sides of the strait, Zhu Lilun said to slow down the increasingly tense cross -strait situation.s difference.

In addition, Zhu Lilun once again emphasized that the Kuomintang has adopted the "pro -beauty, friendly day, and land" line, which will actively promote the mutual understanding and conversation exchanges on both sides of the strait, and continue to maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

Buruzhe served as the chairman of the United States Association in the Taiwan Association from 1997 to 2002. After that, the East Asian Policy Research Center at the Brookings Institute of Washington Think Tank became the director of 16 years.