(Washington / Taipei Comprehensive News) The United States Association in Taiwan (AIT) announced that the current chairman Mo Jian retired on the 20th of this month.
AIT Wednesday (March 1) said in a statement that Laura Rosenberger will participate in the US policy discussion, representing the US government to visit Taiwan, and meeting with Taiwan's representatives in the United States.According to Taiwan media reports, the personnel mobilization is regarded as a US President Biden assigned relatives as an important bridge in the United States.
James Moriarty has served as chairman of the United States Association in Taiwan in 2016.In the statement, the association thanked him for his service, saying that the non -official relationship between the United States and Taiwan has expanded during his tenure.
According to sources quoted by Reuters, the focus of Rosenberg's work after taking office is to maintain communication channels with Taiwan election candidates next year and contact the Taiwan Ministry of Defense to alleviate the US government in promoting Taiwan to strengthen the asymmetry defense strategy.Resistance.
Bonnie Glaser, the head of the Asian project of the American Think of Germany, predicts that Rosenberg will redefine the role of the US association in Taiwan.Compared with her former chairman, she will actively participate in policy matters.
The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a press release on the official website on Thursday (March 2), welcoming Rosenberg as the chairman of AIT.
Taiwan Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng and the Secretary -General of the National Security Council Gu Lixiong at the AIT headquarters in Washington on the 21st last month to talk to officials such as Rosenberg and Deputy Secretary of State Sherman on the National Security issue.Taiwan media analysis states that this is the reaction of the Biden government in tentative of mainland China.
Rosen Berg has been engaged in foreign policy formulation for a long time, as well as a variety of work related to China, South Korea and North Korea.She was the chief of staff of Antony Blinken, then the chief of staff of Antony Blinken, the senior adviser of the then deputy country's advisor Brills, the White House National Security Council China and South Korean affairs director, and the 2016 US presidential election Democratic candidate Hillary's foreign policy Hillary policyConsultant and other positions.