The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan has reported that in the past 24 hours, 25 military planes in the PLA of China were activated around the Taiwan Strait, of which 19 J -10 fighters entered the Southwest Air Defense identification zone in Taiwan.

The Latest Dynamic of the PLA's latest Taiwan Strait released on Wednesday (March 1) of the Taiwan MinistryMilitary aircraft and three submarines were activated around the Taiwan Strait, and 19 of them entered the Southwest Air Defense identification zone in Taiwan.

The schematic diagram released by the Ministry of National Defense shows that after the 19 -J -10 fighter aircraft entered the southwest air defense identification zone at the junction of Guangdong and Fujian, they continued to fly westward and leave the Taiwan Air Defense identification zone.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan said that the Taiwan army used the task machine, ship and shore -setting missile system to closely monitor and respond.