The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced last week that the mask order will be extended to the mask order order last week.14 days until March 8.Hong Kong media reported that the Hong Kong government will lift the mask order as soon as in early March.

The Hong Kong Ming Pao Monday (February 27) quoted sources that the Hong Kong government adjusted the mask order as soon as March.The requirements of mask wearing high -risk fields such as the hospital.

Sources said that they would persuade those who entered the hospital to wear masks, because many patients in the hospital were in and out, and said that the Hong Kong government was studying internally.Reject relevant persons enter the hospital.

The official website of the Macau Government issued an announcement on Sunday (February 26). Considering that the epidemic has continued to stabilize in the past two months of Macau, Macau has been adjusted from Monday (27th) to adjust the measures to wear masks.Under normal circumstances, people do not require people to wear masks outside.Drivers and passengers who have entered medical institutions, elders and rehabilitation hospitals (except for service users in hospitalization or residents), as well as drivers and passengers other than Delta, must continue to wear masks.

Xue Da, a clinical assistant professor at the Department of Microbiology at the University of Hong Kong, wrote on Facebook on Sunday. It is suggested that most of the public places in Hong Kong do not need to be mandatory to wear masks. Except for medical places, high -risk people should also be worn at high -risk places.He said that the mask was very effective in the early days of the Hong Kong epidemic. In the face of Omikon's mutant strains, it showed its weakness. Last year, Hong Kong still broke out with multiple waves of epidemics at home, restaurants or office tea and other places.The discharge of the tap was propagated, but he acknowledged that wearing a mask would help reduce the scale of outbreaks.

Xue Da believes that Hong Kong currently has a high mixed immune barrier, and the role of wearing a mask is very low; if it is used to deal with other respiratory viruses, the mask of the whole people is not sustainable measures, and as the weather is weatherThe virus is difficult to spread.

He also questioned that there is a contradiction between the Hong Kong mask order. Citizens can remove the hood at high -risk venues such as restaurants, and the low -risk outdoor environment should be worn, so it is thought not to be implemented.

Liu Yulong, an expert in Hong Kong Government, believes that Hong Kong can cancel the outdoor mask order in March and observe the expansion of public transport and indoor places in one to two weeks.For a month, there is no need to worry about the withdrawal of the mask that exacerbates the spread of the virus and causes the medical system to be unable to bear it.

Kong Fushang, an expert consultant of another Hong Kong government, also believes that the mask order can be revoked in the early March to minimize influenza transmission. When entering the hospital, clinics and hospitals, we recommend wearing a mask.