Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, said that the Hong Kong government understands that residents hope to relieve the mask as soon as possible, so this measure is expected to be revoked by the end of this season.

According to the South China Morning Post, Chen Maobo made the above statement on Friday (February 24) on a new English budget on a new period of fiscal budget.Most of the audiences pay attention to when the Hong Kong government has lifted the mask order for a long time.

Although the epidemic prevention measures have been relaxed, it shows that Hong Kong society has gradually moved away from crown disease.14 days until March 8.

Nanzao's report quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that Chen Maobo refers to that the mask order is expected to be lifted at the end of March.

Chen Maobo said on the radio program: "My colleagues in the Medical and Health Bureau have received very clear information, and the community hopes to unlock the mask as soon as possible. This is an important matter of the (Medical Bureau) agenda.The colleagues of the bureau are paying close attention to this. "

There is a listener argued: "When we are a person who is not wearing a mask on the earth, it is really difficult to tell others and convince them as the leading international center." Another listenerWhen it comes to the travel industry, it is said: "You will choose to take a family to a place where you need to wear a mask or no need to wear a mask?"

Chen Maobo clearly stated that the Hong Kong government intends to"Lift the mask order and acknowledge that the official also received the same view during the financial budget consultation.

Hong Kong is currently a small city in the world that still requires citizens to wear masks outdoors. Mainland China currently only requires people to wear masks indoors.