Following the electric vehicle, the European Union has reportedly announced this month to conduct an anti -subsidy investigation on Chinese steel manufacturers.

According to the British Financial Times on Tuesday (October 10), the European Union plans to announce the news at the European and American summit.Knowist officials said that Brussels agreed to join forces with Washington to ensure that various industries would not be affected by cheap competition, and said Washington asked Brussels to take action on Chinese steel manufacturers in exchange for the United States to re -impose steel tariffs on EU.

The then US President Trump implemented the steel taxation measures in 2018. The European Union took retaliated taxation measures for American products such as Pochon whiskey and Harley Davidson motorcycles.Europe and the United States suspended relevant measures in 2021.

EU officials said that they understand that the current US President Biden needs to keep the rice bowl of steel workers such as Pennsylvania and Ohio, so as to avoid Trump's victory in the US presidential election next year.

Brussels also considers investigating the wind turbine industry.These investigations are expected to be up to one year, and the European Union may decide to levy tariffs based on the results of the investigation.

Officials said that European and American parties are expected to announce the export of Chinese metals through the "global sustainable steel and aluminum arrangement" (GSA) at the meeting on the 20th of this month.Entering the global market has put pressure on European and American metal producers.

Data from the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) show that global steel production capacity reached a record high in 2022, and excess capacity also reached a record high, with a usage rate of 75%.According to reports, China accounts for a quarter of the increase in production capacity.

Brussels has also levied anti -dumping duties for about 10 types of Chinese imported steel, but the EU steel industry states that these measures have no effect.

Axel Eggert, the European Iron Industry Alliance (EUROFER), the European Iron and Steel Industry, said: "Traditional trade protection measures cannot solve this problem. We have not worked for 50 years.Excessive global capacity is promoted by the government. We need a new tool. "

The European Commission refuses to comment.Reuters reports that the Ministry of Commerce of China has not responded to the request about the report.